Blacks in America Told to Quit “AFRISPLAINING” to Black Africans – IOTW Report

Blacks in America Told to Quit “AFRISPLAINING” to Black Africans

The Independent

We are reaching a peculiar situation in our times where Black Americans are telling African people about their own history. A TikToker by the name of not_africanhippie states that an American would not be able to list five countries in Africa, let alone if they are actually able to explain the culture of each individual nation.

According to a study done by Professor David C. Koelsch from University of Berkley, the relations between African immigrants and Black Americans are not as positive as we think. While African Americans, like other Americans, are seen to the stereotypes of portraying Africa as a problem continent. More

21 Comments on Blacks in America Told to Quit “AFRISPLAINING” to Black Africans

  1. I read 25-30 years ago that Africans do not particularly like American blacks.

    I wonder what is meant by “they hope to receive more favorable treatment from White individuals compared to the experiences faced by Black Americans.” Is that a criticism of White Americans or are they saying they don’t want to be lumped together with the Dindus?

  2. There are very few blacks in America, and almost all of them are relatively recent immigrants. The enormous majority of people in America who claim to be black are in fact mixed race.

    To black people this matters. In Africa this matters a great deal. In America we just take your word for it (Talcum X), after all we’re mostly mixed race here anyway. There are probably only marginally more white people in America than there are black people.

  3. It’s interesting to see the various incomes of immigrant groups to USA. Africans actually do quite well. It’s the ones born here who do not produce.
    Honestly, I blame Democrats a lot more than I blame blacks. They are the ones who told blacks they were inferior, that they needed special assistance, and that any crimes they committed were not their fault but someone else’s. Then they gave them money to not work, penalized them for marriage, held out the government teat.
    I think anyone committing a crime should be held accountable – that’s just rational. But when you have been told over and over that you don’t need to be held accountable, well I understand why they think that. And I applaud those who got away from that and created successful lives – people on the government dole must in general be miserable.

  4. I work with Africans from several different countries (Africa is NOT a monolithic political entity, something American Blacks seem to misunderstand), and their attitude towards their American cousins is somewhere between amusement and annoyance. Some of it is that they are mostly Muslim where the Americans generally are not, but they also consider the Americans as both lazy and not actually Black, as well as spoiled and coddled.

    Understand that even in Africa they pixilate to the point of genocidal atrocities between differences between Hutu and Tutsi, and that may help you understand the kinship Americans expect isn’t necessarily two-way.

    Richard Pryor, hardly a White Supremacist, put it thus;

    “RICHARD PRYOR: I went to Africa, man, and it was real fun in Africa being with black people who were different black people, you know. I was – I asked an African man – I asked him – I said, what tribe do I look like I came from? And he told me, Italian.”

    …and that says how African perception of American Blacks works better than I can.

  5. I just read about a Jamaican women who owns a couple cottages on the beach. She’s refusing to rent to black Americans because they think they’re entitle and they like to fight.

  6. I work with an African born doctor and he views American blacks with a bit of disdain. He takes no BS from them.He also says how Americans take everything for granted and how fortunate we are

  7. “No offense but that is the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

    I agree, but those low expectations are self-imposed.

    ” people on the government dole must in general be miserable”

    I don’t think so. From the outside looking in, I see a certain class of people (not all blacks either) that know deep down that they will never amount to anything, that the American dream is for other people, that making the effort and applying yourself is just too damn hard, and that it is easier to game the system.

    Being “on the government dole” requires no effort and no responsibility. Essentially you can’t fail in life because you never enter the arena yourself or bet on yourself. I suspect those on permanent welfare are very happy with their station in life and would like those benefits increased.

  8. @Rich – I’m not saying they are miserable because they are generally less financially well off, but don’t work. I am saying they are miserable because they have never experienced the real joys of accomplishment, that what they think of as good is just diversion. My friend used to call it the Oprah diet – give them enough to live on and they will sit in front of the TV all day long. Not much of a life though. When I look back on memorable experiences, none of them had anything to do with a TV show I was watching.

  9. Back when I worked for a UN Organization, many of my African co-workers, when house hunting, would tell realtors to not take them to “black” neighborhoods. They are educated and proudly upper-middle class people who want nothing to do with Afro-American “culture”. They want good schools for their children, low crime, and clean neighborhoods. Just like normal people everywhere.

  10. Many black African Americans have freely and of their own volition enslaved themselves. They traded their birthright, recognized by the 14th Amendment, for the Democrat’s bill of goods.

    Passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later, on July 9, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons “born or naturalized in the United States,” including formerly enslaved people, and provided all citizens with “equal protection under the laws,” extending the provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states.

    They were making great progress, despite setbacks suffered under Woodrow Wilson’s Administration, right up through the time The Great Society program became Johnson’s agenda for Congress in January 1965.

    The same dynamic plays out for any constituency that throws in their lot with the Democrat Party.

  11. @JDHasty: PLEASE don’t use the term “black African Americans”! I am an American who happens to be black.

    My wife and I were at a friend’s house over the weekend. they run a local ministry that tries to help men and women deal with the spiritual and psychological aftereffects of abortion. The wife was talking about the difficulties she’s having in reaching the black community, and asked me for advice. I told her I have no answers for her because I’m not a part of the modern black community. I explained to my wife (who is white) what I meant by that: I’m a MLK black (content of character) rather than a Jesse Jackson black (I am somebody just BECAUSE I’m black). Today’s black culture is directly decended from JJ and his ilk, and I want nothing to do with it.

  12. Not only is it really silly to think that any black person speaks for or represents other black people (ditto white folks or any other race), it is equally silly to burden the actions of bad black people on the entire race.

    Yes, this is pretty basic common sense stuff, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves.

  13. Had to accompany my husband to the ER once and the ER doctor who treated him was from Nigeria. When he gave us the all clear to go home . I asked him about an email that we received on our home computer that came from a “prince” in his home country. We shared a good laugh about these scammers,ha !

  14. The black Africans I’ve known consider black Americans foolish and childish. Sure, can’t really argue with that in general. Right now, a large number of black Americans are a criminal scourge and self destructive.
    However, America is redemptive and foundationally designed to deal with a destructive population and individuals. Our ills can be corrected IF law abiding citizens have the will – yet to be determined.

    Ironically, black Africans come here and out pace black Americans in most instances. Creating entrepreneurial businesses, relying on their superior education to become better examples of American citizenship than their black American counterparts (Exceptions Somalian gifting “refugees”). Despite the fact Black Africans in general have been terrible stewards of their own nations. Black Africans are just better at taking the opportunity to grab for the American dream because they’ve experienced the deadly forces of socialism in their own counties. Something most black Americans have never really dealt with in America- yet.

    There are still avenues to avoid the oppressive socialist restrictions current Marxist leadership in government have implemented. Therefore, black Americans don’t have an excuse for buying the Demwit party line for 80 years plus. They only have themselves to blame for the world’s negative views about the black American population.


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