Blacks in Portland demand end to Antifa violence – IOTW Report

Blacks in Portland demand end to Antifa violence


Leaders of the black community in Portland, Oregon, have written a letter to Antifa and other radical leftists telling them to stop causing trouble – in the name of helping blacks.

“Over the last year we have watched as people have profited from and damaged our movement without our consent or approval,” the letter, posted on the Weouthere website, said.

The site explained the letter was in response “to ongoing behavior seen as detrimental to Black Liberation.”

The letter, signed by dozens of writers, speakers, artists, teachers, parents and professionals, said, “As Black Oregonians concerned with the ongoing lack of accountability for the police violence that continues to disproportionately impact Black communities, the disabled, those with mental illness, the unhoused, and other marginalized people, it is important for us to stand in solidarity and state our shared values.”

The letter charges there is “no excuse” for police to “murder civilians.”

They say they “already struggle to survive in a state that makes every effort to reshuffle and erase us.”

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22 Comments on Blacks in Portland demand end to Antifa violence

  1. It appears to me that the “black leaders of Portland” are totally ignorant of the Actual, Documented number of blacks that are being killed by the police each year. (I believe that it was about 18 last year.) Until they admit the truth, I I can’t believe anything else they say.

  2. Yet, they are still wrong in their own struggle.

    This is a cancer eating away at another cancer. As entertaining as this conflict looks from the outside, they can both shrivel up and die as far as I’m concerned.

    Antifa can keep taking advantage of them until they both vanish, as far as I’m concerned.

    They really aren’t different to the general public. There is no good future with either.

  3. Earlier my wife was watching The Price is Right and one of the showcase prizes was a trip to Portland… I gagged so hard I gave myself a coffee nasal cleanse!

  4. Honesty for dummies..

    There is no growth in lies……..Real growth is everlasting…That is the truth.

    Truth just is. Truth is never manufactured, nor manipulated. Mankind has no power over the truth.

    For example: Lincoln was a white supremacist,(FACT) and a tyrant (FACT). But America says: Hero!

    Blacks look like fools praising this asshole, so do whites.

    Better get real with the actual truth of who we are and it doesn’t begin with the stove pipe hat wearing mother fucker who didn’t free anyone..

    Here’s the answer. It’s unpleasant to hear.

    Your own countrymen are demanding kids as young as 5 years, paid for by you, get a good dose of sexuality to such an extent little boys and girl are coming home questioning who they are in the most basic sense, and by court order are demanding parent approval via court.

  5. Perhaps it is a mistake to assume that the majority of blacks are capable of being part of our civilized society.
    Perhaps they would be happier elsewhere.
    Perhaps Lincoln’s Liberia plan should be revisited.

  6. Destroy the media (mainstream and social) as the unchecked propaganda ministry of the global regime, and you’ll destroy their narratives. 90% of this communist BS will simply evaporate when the agitators and traitors are left as voiceless as we are. Then, and only then, can things begin to self-correct.

  7. They’re pissed that the media pays more attention to the white soy boy communists, then the black thug communists.
    I swear, you just can’t make shit like this up.

  8. “Leaders of the black community”

    They say that they are working for Black Liberation. What black person in this country is a slave, other than to your rhetoric of hate?

    You want the police to stop “murdering civilians”? Maybe your focus should be on telling these civilians to not be thugs. Stop giving the police reasons to even approach them, let alone confront them in order to stop them from some crime.

    And whining about Antifa? They are just like your “murdered civilians”; criminals. You are the same in your hatred and joy of violence.

    Stop teaching your people that they are victims.

  9. With the movement of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Bill gaining “bipartisan” support, could it be the Left is beginning a narrative to tamp down their riots? As in “goal accomplished” in National Police controlled by the Left?
    Typical of “socialist” regimes to maneuver to have the military and police enforce their dictates or else. Note they’re purging the military as we type.

  10. One of the goals of the Marxist/communist is to nationalized all policing.
    They’re not done breaking stuff, prepare accordingly.
    We’re living in a time where the police are realizing they can’t intervene when blacks are involved until somebody’s bleeding to death.
    They just need to wait or go to jail. Sad, but the left made this monster.

  11. What you MUST understand is that the “black leaders” you see on the news are not black leaders who arise organically within the black community. The media and the progressive movement freezes out anyone who isn’t pushing the progressive/Marxist message and installs their own people to represent entire populations who they actually do not represent.

    Be careful about painting entire populations because you may be painting people who do not deserve to be so colored and in fact may be more like you ideologically than you can imagine.

  12. “As Black Oregonians concerned with the ongoing lack of accountability for the police violence that continues to disproportionately impact Black communities, the disabled, those with mental illness, the unhoused, and other marginalized people, it is important for us to stand in solidarity and state our shared values.”

    So it’s not really about an appeal to decency and fairness — they just don’t like other people stealing their glory and booty.

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