Blago’s daughter lashes out at Obama – IOTW Report

Blago’s daughter lashes out at Obama

Hey, when you pardon murderers with the ease of pardoning Thanksgiving turkeys, maybe the audacious daughter has a point.

‘You are selfish and spineless’: Daughter of disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich hits out at Obama for refusing to pardon her father.

Blagojevich daughter hits Obama for not commuting sentence

Amy Blagojevich (left), the oldest daughter of Rod Blagojevich (inset), has penned a letter to former President Obama (right). In the letter, which was posted to her mother’s Facebook page on Thursday, Amy condemns Mr Obama for failing to commute her father’s prison sentence. ‘You’ve broken my heart once again, and you’ve betrayed the concept of justice like many other heartless individuals before you,’ she wrote. Blagojevich, a former Illinois governor, was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2012 on several corruption charges. Among the allegations was that Blagojevich tried to sell Mr Obama’s Senate seat after he became president.

34 Comments on Blago’s daughter lashes out at Obama

  1. She may have a valid point however; turning loose some hardened criminals on the unsuspecting public is a bigger poke-in-the-eye than some pretty boy from Illinois. Besides, Obama thought the price of his ‘seat’ was too low.

  2. In my world, Blago, the murderers, drug dealers, secret revealers, sloppy emailers, etc, etc, all get a stay in the pen. The pardons are for gross miscarriages of justice or politically motivated convictions, etc. Very few of his freed jailbirds qualify.

  3. Actions have consequences.
    Not just for the perpetrator, their family, friends and community.
    Anyone thinking they are above the law and breaks the law deserves the consequences. As devastating as it can be, You reap what you sow.

  4. Man, that kid needs to do some soul searching. If she cannot see her father is a career criminal and deserves what he got, she’s on a career path that includes prison time. Her dad only got a fraction of the time a non democrat politician would have gotten.

  5. Blago had no sympathy when he won the Governor’s Office in Illinois. He terminated non-political, professional state employees to fill job vacancies with unqualified, loyal democrat party workers and thugs.
    Blagojevich didn’t care about people’s careers, their families or their financial well-being. Blago destroyed thousands of good individuals and families state-wide.
    And I’m supposed to have sympathy for one who willingly and arrogantly broke the law to enrich himself, family and the corrupt democrat machine? Uhh, No. Do the time and STFU.

  6. @cato January 27, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    “He terminated non-political, professional state employees”
    “Blago destroyed thousands of good individuals and families”

    “Good” — obviously — doesn’t mean what you think it means.

  7. Corrupt politicians should be a distant memory – not alive and well in some prison.
    These are the scum who undermine the foundations of the Republic. These are the Traitors who engender all the other Traitors, Criminals, Office Abusers, Grifters, Liars, and Thieves (like the Obolas, Reids, Pelosis, Clintons, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Emanuels, Carnahans, Townshends, Udalls, &c.).

    She should content herself that America thinks so little of itself that it suffers him to live. If there were Justice in America, he’d be a bag of bleached bones dangling in a gibbet in some Chicago Park.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @cato January 27, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    If you want to argue that the mob soldier isn’t as bad as the capo, and the capo isn’t as bad as the Don, then have at it. If you want to argue that some Illinois apparatchiks took the job when Abe Lincoln was President, and they’re still trying to save The Republic, then have at it. If you want to argue that the people who hold out their hands to soldier for The Chicago Way, are so not as bad that they’re actually good, then let me put this beverage down before you have at it.

  9. Blagojevich was always a goofy, but that’s not a crime. But it’s not at all clear that he was doing much more than typical, common horse-trading. In any case, his 14 year sentence is wildly excessive.
    Trump should consider commuting Blago’s sentence … in exchange for him dishing out all he knows about the criminal Illinois Democrat party.

  10. Blago’s problem was “the” seat was for Valerie Jarrett. There was an order as there always has been in the peoples republic of illinois. Blago was small potatoes in the scheme of things, still is and his little acorn didn’t fall too far from his stupid tree.

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