Blasey-Ford: Hyper-political – IOTW Report

Blasey-Ford: Hyper-political

A couple of days ago Page O’Turner snapped a pictures of Christine Blasey’s Facebook page. The page has since been scrubbed, but there is an archived link of some parts. We’re not going to publish the link, in deference to her children and the people who commented on her timeline that might be doxxed, but will share some isolated tidbits.

Here’s one that I thought was interesting-

She reposted content from the Democratic Socialists.

Just a gal that was “sexually assaulted” by a judge any democratic socialist would loathe. That’s all she is. An innocent  little girl exposing truth.

9 Comments on Blasey-Ford: Hyper-political

  1. You know it really doesn’t matter how many times these operatives and “wrong place but right accusation” progs show up the Demoncrat handlers will always claim pristine motivation and character.

    Republicans and anyone not Demonctaic are bad people who (insert Sean Hannity rant about medicare, mother off cliff, et.cetera, etc.)

    That’s the way it is until we can deliver consequences that dissuade them from doing it.

  2. Amazing the only women Kavanaugh managed to ‘assault’ are white activist liberals that all participate in Trump bashing resistance activities. Considering 52% of white women voted for Trump he really is beating the odds.

  3. I’d love to get audio or video from one of her college lectures to see if that is really her speaking voice or if it was a staged affectation to make her seem younger, weaker, and more vulnerable.


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