Blasey-Ford’s List of Demands – IOTW Report

Blasey-Ford’s List of Demands

Ann Coulter made me snort out loud with this one:

-New demand from Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford: She will testify, but only from a ski lift. She’ll be on a up chair & senators will yell Qs from the downward chairs.

She then followed up with:

Alternative offer from Christine Blasey Ford: She’ll accept Grassley’s offer for staffers to go to Palo Alto for her statement, IF they also paint her house & mow her lawn.

Putting all politics aside and her sometimes self-serving motivations, Coulter is always consistently funny.





33 Comments on Blasey-Ford’s List of Demands

  1. And none of the staff will look REDACTED in the face. All questions will be asked with “lilt” in your voice. Do not attempt to say REDACTED”. Only 66 degree Evian with a 12 oz crystal glass in dressing room. Security may not address REDACTED. Only M&Ms will be offered for paparazzi but no red M&Ms. Redacted may choose which questions to answer and which questions are too hurtful and intrusive.

  2. I love Ann, She is funny and Bright.
    Balls’y can do it in Her Home from the Toilet if she wants, just F’ing do it already enough about a repressed memory.
    We are not 7 year old’s and we were’nt born yesterday, so stop the Un Provable bullshit !

  3. Stop badgering the witness with any questions about anything she doesn’t care to remember! She was traumatized and suffered for more than three decades in near silence, until her time finally came to jerk an entire country around. And, she hasn’t got a political bone in her body, except for the one she’s been carrying around for more than three decades. The witness can explain everything if she is just given the proper forum after the midterm election.

  4. “Doctor Ford, you say that, regarding this party you attended somewhere in suburban Maryland some 35 years ago, where you claim that you were sexually assaulted by a young Brett Kavanaugh, that you cannot remember any details about the house where this party occurred; you don’t know the location, whose house it was, or anything else about it, is that correct?”

    “Well, “I actually do remember one small, rather strange detail about the house. It had a gold toilet!”

    And somewhere in suburban Maryland, a woman is watching this on TV and calls to her husband at work…

    “Darling, remember that party at your folks’ house ‘way back when we were in high school? I think I know who it was who took a dump in your tuba!”

  5. From the ether:

    “I will not testify in a car.
    I will not testify near or far.
    I will not testify in a train.
    I will not fly in a plane.
    I will not testify, here or there.
    I will not testify anywhere.
    There’s nothing more for me to say.
    I can’t remember, anyway.”

  6. Would someone please explain to me why Christine Blasey Ford “deserves a hearing”.

    I keep hearing this repeated over and over and over ad nauseam.

    The Senate confirmation hearing isn’t about her. If her claim wasn’t important enough to mention for 36 years, why is it important now to give her a “hearing”?

    And if it is, does that mean that from now on anyone, even a lunatic, just throw out any crazy allegation claiming that something (an outcome-less something) happened three or four decades ago and derail the U.S. Senate, coopt the national news? Would each of these “deserve a hearing” — before Congress, yet?

    What makes this deserving of a hearing?

    This claim would not be deserving of a hearing in criminal or civil court. The Statute of Limitations has passed. (Contrary to fake news, it’s not a “Maryland ‘No Statute of Limitation’ rape allegation”; it’s a now-unprovable juvenile misdemeanor assault allegation.)

  7. This lying dingbat deserves a hearing but not a single legitimate citizen who challenged the identity of Barack “Barry” Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama had any standing.

    Doesn’t the way the politicians function PISS YOU OFF?
    It’s only YOUR money they’re blowing.

  8. And the 10 pound bag of Purina Cat Chow goes to Mary Jane Anklestraps! Loved them all MJA!
    We are witnessing the Theater of the Absurd, the tail wagging the dog. This delaying tactic has been in the works for months. How could all the players in this, and I do mean players, have so many ties to anti-Thump groups and to each other?
    Screw her, figuratively, and hold the vote Monday. No matter what the Repubs do it will not be enough to please the Libs.

  9. Republicans will never, EVER learn that, once you accept their moronic premise and step foot onto the Liberal Bizarro World Playing Field you have lost the game. You get NO points for trying to appear fair and even handed. To the contrary, your appeasement is viewed as weakness and only encourages them.

  10. Here are our demands:
    *testify under oath
    *answer the questions to you under oath

    And if it turns out the only thing that is verified is your a lying whore know you are going to get bit smack with perjury charges.

  11. Well, Christine has proven she knows how to remove the manhood of the people who are supposed to be in charge of getting Kavanaugh approved.

    Christine is the organ grinder, and Grassley her monkey begging for her favor with his tin cup. Her goal is to make fools of all of GOP members, and they’re cooperating.

    Yep, What Irony said.


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