Blasey-Ford’s Rigged Polygraph – IOTW Report

Blasey-Ford’s Rigged Polygraph

The polygraph can be beat.


Famous cases include FBI traitor Robert Hansen and CIA mole Aldrich Ames. In Christine Blasey Ford’s case, we were told she coached a friend on how to beat the lie detector as well as the polygraph expert asking her only two questions during the exam. Those are the details that cast great doubt on the whole exercise. It’s the words of former FBI agent Jeremiah Hanafin, who’s a polygraph expert for hire, that destroys any usefulness the test may have had. More

17 Comments on Blasey-Ford’s Rigged Polygraph

  1. From the article regarding polygraph tests: “The American Psychological Association will tell anyone who cares to listen (which unfortunately isn’t many) that “most psychologists and other scientists agree that there is little basis for [their] validity.”

    Huh! I am surprised that as a research psychologist, Christine Ford didn’t know this before she took the polygraph! sarc/

  2. When Ford was asked point blank if she had ever given anyone advise on how to take a polygraph, she said, never. But according to her boyfriend she had advised her FBI friend on how to take a polygraph.
    Only a demorat could get away with that lying bullshit.

  3. Women don’t lie: Read the Brian Banks story. Black Lives Don’t Matter a Shit when black sluts accuse. The story made my blood boil.
    This shit has to stop. False accusers must be severely punished, not wrist slapped. Mike Nifong of the Duke Lacrosse case should have been hung in the public square.

  4. “The polygraph can be beat.”

    This has been demonstrated often enough and widely enough it’s why polygraph results are not considered ‘evidence’ in criminal trial proceedings.

    I have seen some documentation on brain activity scans localized to specific regions of the brain correlated to overall brain activity that seem to be massively harder to cheat. People trained to deceive a polygraph failed miserably on this test.

    The scanning technology was originally designed to map the ‘storms’ that occur when a subject is prone to seizures and what the brain got up to during these. It’s been refined a shitload since then.

    Two notable things that stood out to me.

    Your favorite smell does amazing things in your head.

    Even though your body convulses during an orgasm, your brain responds like you just had a bolus of morphine shot into a vein.

    Ain’t that some shit?

  5. One doesn’t need a polygraph to know that Ford is full of shit, especially now. She’s got no evidence, no witnesses, no location, and no timeline. But she’s “100% certain” about who but only just in time to tank the possible fifth vote to overturn Roe v Wade, 36 years after the “crime”. And even though she should be hot interview materiel, no one is interviewing her because, if they did, it would become readily apparent that she altered her looks, voice, and demeanor radically for her bullshit perjury fest in front of the SJC.

  6. Lowell: “Even though your body convulses during an organism.”
    At Columbia Medical College the Professor was talking about involuntary convulsions and contractions. He was quiet blunt.
    “What,” he asked the class,”is your asshole doing while you are having an organism”?
    “Probably playing golf with his asshole buddies,” answered one ballsey lass.

  7. From moetom: “Lowell: “Even though your body convulses during an organism.”
    At Columbia Medical College the Professor was talking about involuntary convulsions and contractions. He was quiet blunt.
    “What,” he asked the class,”is your asshole doing while you are having an organism”?
    “Probably playing golf with his asshole buddies,” answered one ballsey lass.”

    I know what mine does. It has convulsions like few vaginas I’ve been lucky enough to be resident in during her moment of joy.Didn’t know this until one young fine accomplice told me the finger she had inserted, that I didn’t even notice in the heat of the action, almost got severed. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve ‘spent’ company with a few ladies who’s moments of splendor were powerful enough to eject my accompaniment forcefully. This was quite the surprise to a young man.

  8. A polygraph is ‘beatable.’
    from 16 days ago:
    I entertain the possibility that the polygraph itself could have been taken by McLean. The purported photo of Ford at the polygraph does not look like Ford, but rather McLean. The provenance of the referenced ‘statement’ is not provided, and anyone could honestly answer no to a question about the existence of any falsities in “your” statement, if it indeed were not theirs. Nor did the polygraph verify the identity of the person being tested.
    Yeah, I know. But the video surveillance records of the hotel lobby and elevators where the polygraph was performed should be secured for review. I’d bet she was at least in attendance.

  9. More on Lying women: Check out Wanetta Gibson, Brian Bank’s accuser. What a phucken’ that poor guy got. Ruined his whole life from age 16. It was a black an black thing, so liberals don’t really give a shit. But any decent American should be furious.


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