Blast from past – rerunning an old interview with Ann Barnhardt (2012) – IOTW Report

Blast from past – rerunning an old interview with Ann Barnhardt (2012)

I was discussing this with a reader, and looked it up. It holds up well.


13 Comments on Blast from past – rerunning an old interview with Ann Barnhardt (2012)

  1. It’s all a matter or perspective. As much as I loathed the community organizer, he is proving absolutely Churchillian compared to the empty suit box-a-nuthin’ decrepit feeble sub room temperature dolt we got now.

    I remember year ago I watched an Ann youtube video where she was discussing the evils of Islam, actually burning a Koran in the process and just daring the Mohammadans to get past her shotgun and .45 to try something.

  2. BFH, I agree with you! Always ask the charismatic lady for marriage; it’s a one in a million but they love the sincere approach even if it only gets you a second chance to buy them a drink or dinner invite or whatever. You know I would have been a jazz maven for life if the west side lady from NYC would have had me as a full time bagel roaster and foot warmer, same as the Christian gun toting grand savant (Ann) who made me cry when I listened to the rare first recording (on Ann’s site) of Major Heather Penny who drove her F16 up against the 911 hijackers with nothing but a suicide plan to run the bad guys out of the sky. Thanks for the replay!

  3. The 99 second interviews, the song title contests, hidden message contests and more. Those were good times.

    I had forgotten that you interviewed AB, and I’m proud to say that listening to it this morning I answered “the canoe” before she did!!


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