Blatant Voter Fraud In Nevada – People Paid To Vote For Biden – IOTW Report

Blatant Voter Fraud In Nevada – People Paid To Vote For Biden

The federalist-

Native American voter advocacy groups in Nevada handed out gift cards, electronics, clothing, and other items to voters in tribal areas, in many cases documenting the exchange of ballots for “prizes” on their own Facebook pages, sometimes even while wearing official Joe Biden campaign gear.

Simply put, this is illegal. Offering voters anything of value in exchange for their vote is a violation of federal election law, and in some cases punishable by up to two years in prison and as much as $10,000 in fines. That includes raffles, free food, free T-shirts, and so on.


11 Comments on Blatant Voter Fraud In Nevada – People Paid To Vote For Biden

  1. …tribal areas are weird. I was told when I went to NC and set foot on the inside of the Qualla Boundary that I had effectively left the United States and was in a soverign nation inside of it. Their Web site backs this up in their own words…

    “A Sovereign Nation
    The Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians is a sovereign nation located within the borders of the United States and is governed in a similar way. The Cherokee government consists of the following:

    An Executive Branch with a Principal Chief and a Vice-Chief
    A Legislative Branch made up of a 12 member tribal council – two representatives each from six townships
    A Judicial Branch”

    (I was not that impressed when I met their principle chief at a festival, BTW, because he looked like a White guy that would work at Home Depot and was named “Chad”‘
    , so if they wanna keep this ‘Indian’ motif going, they could at LEAST pick chiefs with names like they USED to have like Wilma Mankiller, but I digress)

    …but the point is, if they ARE, as THEY say they are, sovereign within the United States…then WHY THE HELL ARE THEY VOTING IN OUR ELECTIONS?

    …just wondering…

    …maybe it’s different with Navajo, Hopi, Nez Perce, or whatever, I know jack about the numerous Western tribes having never been past the Mississippi myself, but it seems to me you can’t have it both ways.

    You’re a voter HERE.

    Or you’re a voter THERE.

    …so to me, this shouldn’t even be an ISSUE…

  2. This is what the democrat party thinks of both democracy and minorities. Prizes and free stuff, just vote for us or give us your ballot and we’ll give you a free t-shirt! The people selling their votes should be prosecuted as well as those buying the votes.

  3. Congress made the indians US citizens some years ago. They have the same voting privileges as you or I. Personally, I think the whole dual citizenship thing is screwed and should be abolished. Pick a nation and be a citizen. Not have divided allegiances.

  4. The more of this shit that comes to light, I question why the hell I want to stay in this country?
    It apparently it is not the country I considered it to be, the one it is supposed to be.


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