Images from:
1 TennDon (Tom Turkeys)
2 TennDon (Turkey) Butterball on the hoof. Wild turkeys on trail at Radnor Lake State Park in Nashville, TN
3 Mr. Pinko
5 Truckbuddy (Turkey)
4, 6-9 Unsplash.com
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.
- Bewildered Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon. – Confused looks
- Strange Critter Pictures – Pictures where critters are acting strange or in strange places – theme idea from Bobcat
- Let’s Do Christmas!
- Happy NOT 2020! Eve
Thank you!
Doing the Wild Turkey thing.
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to all who read these pages!
Thank you Claudia… another fun display of cute photos. The wild Turkeys sometimes hang in my yard and put on quite the show for the hens. I’m so thankful to see cool stuff like that. 🙂
Everyone… Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble Gobble!!!
(Them’s fight’n words…)
Claudia, thankful for you bringing us the Sunday morning critters every week. They are a reminder of the goodness in a chaotic world.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the IOTWRS!!!!.
Good Morning to all
Thanksgiving Critters! Thank you Claudia!
Remember, as we go into Thanksgiving week be sure to count your blessings.
If you live in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan or Georgia be sure to re-count them!!
…I bet those Toms aren’t too happy about Thanksgiving, but they’ll make someone ELSE’S Thanksgiving very happy indeed…
…but we appreciate them as we appreciate Claudia for bringing them to us, a feast for the eyes before the feast for the stomach. Thank you for showing us these beautiful birds, and for EVERY Sunday pause, Claudia. Its good to not lose sight of the beauty the Lord put in the world amid our discussions of the evil that Men put in the world that God gave us.
…may the Lord bless you and keep you as you assemble in His name to enjoy His bounty and give Him the praise and thanks that only He is worthy of this Thanksgiving, and every day of our lives.
God Bless,
“Im Batman!”
Thanks Ms. C.
“Happy NOT 2020! Eve”
lolol Truth!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Best wishes to all, and especially those of you who have to suffer gloating liberal family members this Thanksgiving – at least you have the WuFlu excuse for being a no-show!
Iron Man – Tell ’em unprecedented cheating is nothing to gloat about!
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🥧 to everyone here at iotw, you guy’s and gal’s have made me feel welcome this past year since I found this site, I am forever grateful. 🐱
Excellent pictures as always Claudia. 🕊️❤️🙏
Mornin’ everyone and what a ‘bunch of turkeys’ we have here!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving in IOTWr…
Take a look at this turkey vid I ‘shot’ a couple of years ago…in da BRONX:
Have a GREAT safe week and STAY strong…
Thanks C!
Very cool video, Ghost! Hard to believe it was in the Bronx!
I will echo the others here in thanking you Claudia for always being here for us on Sunday mornings with the Critters. And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that travels here to IOTWr! I am thankful for all of you.
Ghost, cool video! They look like the two toms we have that frequent our yard.
We had a herd (?) of wild turkeys go through the woods along the lawn a few weeks ago. We think we counted about 25-30.