Blinded By The Left: Brits Go Blind Waiting For Eye Surgery – IOTW Report

Blinded By The Left: Brits Go Blind Waiting For Eye Surgery


The Straits Times

LONDO (XINHUA) – Thousands of elderly people in Britain are left to go blind because of rationing of eye surgery in the National Health Service (NHS), a report revealed on Saturday (April 6).

The Times newspaper said a survey by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCO) found tens of thousands of elderly people are left struggling to see because of an NHS cost-cutting drive that relies on them dying before they can qualify for cataract surgery.

The survey has found that the NHS has ignored instructions to end cataract treatment rationing in defiance of official guidance two years ago.


9 Comments on Blinded By The Left: Brits Go Blind Waiting For Eye Surgery

  1. This is news only to those not paying attention aka libtards. The elite know it. Obama, while selling Obamacare let it slip that grandma would get a pain killer but not the surgery. But the rank and file of the left are libtards and the elite know it so nothing will change.

  2. This is what happens when you
    Socialize / Communize

    Is IMPOSTER Barry Soetoro Laughing ?

    Is CRIMINAL Hairy Reed ?

    Is drug crazed Lousy Puh – Lousy ?

    Are these

    Rejoicing in what they’ve saddled

    AMERICANS with ?

  3. I had a friend from Britain who was born with a limp. He grew up under national heath care, and was told unequivocally by the Surgery Nazis: “You can walk, can’t you? No surgery for you!”

    His entire life growing up had one goal: save up and emigrate to the US, where he could get a job, get medical insurance, and get his leg fixed.

    Make a long story short: he did just that. Never forgot his trashing of the medical system under which he grew up in and was forced to endure.

    Kind of like Oleg Atbashian trashing the Soviet system under which he grew up in and was forced to endure. At least Oleg get out of there with a skill as a propaganda artist, and he now uses it against them. (That kinda backfired on you, didn’t it Soviets?)

  4. Met a Canadian who told me they had the best health care in the world! She went on to say that she had two cadaver corneas in each eye. I was amazed and said “Wow, imagine that, dead people are good for something!” She became outraged at me, her and her husband got up and left in a huff. I saw them later on in the week and they said DH and I were the most despicable people they have ever met! To her face I said: “Really dead eyes?” True story. Brits should go to Canada for their eye care, they can have dead eyes too.

  5. Brits and Canadian snow birds comparing notes regarding stories of folks they knew who had to cross borders, pay out of pocket for health care we take for granted. Half hour later they were teaming up against us Americans for not having socialized medicine. Reminded them we’ve all heard horror stories, like they were talking about earlier, of health care rationing, long waits.

  6. I work in social services for many years. Health care is rationed in the US too. If you can’t afford insurance or qualify for Obamacare, you don’t get treated either. The governor in my state just cut off general assistance about 20 years ago – many of these people were in their 40s and 50s – too young for medicare and at the age when it is really hard to find a job with no skills. They worked in factories which all went south. And NO ONE kept track of this population, so they don’t even have statistics on how many of them died or became permanently disabled. Really – tRuth – how far would 30 million go if the Queen donated her gold carriage? They spend 195 billion a year, which is 195 x 1000 million – a few days and then the carriage and history is gone forever.

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