Blinken: ‘Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism.’ – IOTW Report

Blinken: ‘Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism.’


During an interview with NBC News on Saturday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion of frozen Iranian funds as part of a prison swap deal in September. He also stated that the Islamic Republic has “always” put money towards funding terroristic operations.

“What do you say about the argument that money is fungible — so Iran may have known this money is coming and used other funds to help fund this attack?” NBC News’ Kristen Welker asked Blinken.

“Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas,” responded Blinken. And it’s done that when there have been sanctions, it’s done that when there haven’t been sanctions, and it’s always prioritized that.” more

17 Comments on Blinken: ‘Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism.’

  1. Why do we keep on sending any money to Islamic terrorist nations like Iran or to the Ukes as well. It’s a fool’s errand to help keep funding our enemies like this. The democraps and the deep state as usual are our main enemy, funding those who wish to destroy both Israel and the United States. Didn’t these bastards learn from Neville Chamberlain’s fatal mistake that you can’t appease evil ever.

  2. Then by all means, let them have unfettered access to BILLIONS of dollars, plus all the military equipment left behind in Afghanistan.
    Yet again, Biden+Blinken+et al, you’ve got blood on your hands.
    And that includes HRC, BHO, AOC, and the squad.

  3. @ Shang Kwon MONDAY, 9 OCTOBER 2023, 9:17 AT 9:17 AM

    The neocons and Democrats knew full well what the money was to be used for. They gave it for the express purpose of funding terrorism. I guarandamntee it.

  4. ^^^^ NIdahoCatholic MONDAY, 9 OCTOBER 2023, 11:35 AT 11:35 AM….so murder, rape, torture and kidnapping of 8 year old girls is justified? Why has no arab country taken in the gazans? They are animals.

  5. Blinken’s use of the word “unfortunate” is bad, wrong, irritating, and foul. The whole deal has nothing to do with fortune or misfortune. The decision to give 6 billion to the murderous Iran regime is a tragedy of the utmost degree.

    The decision wasn’t by bad luck, misfortune, or an understandable mistake. It was a conscious decision made by some very bad people. What Biden and his cohorts have done is pure unadulterated evil. Biden is no longer just a silly senile buffoon we can laugh at; he is as a murderer.

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