BLM: Good, BMI: Bad – IOTW Report

BLM: Good, BMI: Bad

Red State

Now you can add yet another casualty to the racism obsession: The Body Mass Index. BMI has been used by doctors for decades to help determine a person’s health. But it was designed by a white man, so therefore it must be evil. More

16 Comments on BLM: Good, BMI: Bad

  1. Snowflake theory. Each is unique. I’m a juice box with a BMI of under 22. My son is a physical culturist in ripped to shreds condition with a BMI of over 30. Couldn’t get insured without a medical waiver. Bullshit. BMI is useful combined with reason but it certainly isn’t racist or sexist. Every atom must be considered if one wants to be fully accurate.

  2. Soooooooooooooooooo, black people don’t suffer from hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, or arthritic joints? I guess it is true what the libs tell us, blackness is the master race.

  3. I just stopped at the market on the way home and witnessed some lady pull into a handicap spot. She rolled out of her 1989 Ford mini SUV in a Moo Moo. Mooing. She made it half way to the store front and had to rest. Blocking traffic. She finally made it to an electric cart and filled that bitch with ice cream. She must have made a beeline for it because she was in front of me inline. So I’m standing there thinking what kind of quality of life do people like this have. And then it hit me. These are the people that we should offer a Canadian style assisted suicide to. I mean if you have that little self control whats the point of living. Most people get satisfaction from personal accomplishments. Eating a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting should not be considered an accomplishment. I guess at one point in time I felt sorry for these people. I no longer do because they’re the epidemy of weak and weak vote Libtrard. Weak need to be taken care of. Weak cannot sustain themselves. Weak need to be told what to do. Weak cannot handle the awesome responsibility of being truly free. They’d eat to much and die. By the way, she was white.

  4. As I have stated many times in the past, if whitey is so bad, then I challenge anyone to give up all the advancements/inventions (and the derived products) that have, in general, made manufacturing, medicine, technology, food cultivation/production or any other thing that makes life easier if it can be attributed to the evil white race. If that cannot be done, then I suggest that all these people that feel the need to berate me at any chance they get to shut the hell up and suck my fucking dick. 🖕

  5. The black male population of New Orleans used to average 57 years. Don’t know what it is now. Maybe it’s now racist to publish such things.

    May be due to diet. Deep fried catfish, hush puppies, beignets, everything smeared with butter and/or rich French sauces is what did the trick, most likely.

    Dying from eating rich but delicious food is not a bad way to go, except for the excruciating (I’m told) chest pain from that last heave-ho of the heart.

  6. Being an obese, fat ass crosses all racial/ethnic segments of society in the US.
    Heart Disease is an equal life ending, self induced disorder.
    Some even have materials pumped in them to have a gargantuas ass, lips, breasts and Lord knows what else.
    The media helps making obesity “normal”.


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