BLM Leader Accuses Black NYC Mayor Of Anti-Black Racism – IOTW Report

BLM Leader Accuses Black NYC Mayor Of Anti-Black Racism

If you’re becoming confused by exactly what constitutes racism in America today, you’re not alone. It wasn’t that long ago when there was one simple definition of a racist, which went something like this:

A racist is someone who either believes their race is superior to one or more other races, or who hates others based on their race.

That description was concise, straightforward, and unambiguous, and was one with which virtually everyone agreed. It served us well. Racist Jim Crow laws that tarnished our society and continued to enable institutionalized racism were outlawed with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, almost 60 years ago. Race relations improved steadily for years, to the point where we became the first nation on earth to elect a racial minority to our highest office in the land, not once but twice.

But then something went awry. After Barack Obama’s first four years in office, our friends on the left began to recognize the reward structure that was beginning to form for anyone who claimed to have been subjected to racism. Victimization was incentivized. It paid to be oppressed. Since that time, the original definition of ‘racism’ has been bastardized to an extent that it is no longer recognizable. As a result, we find ourselves trying to decipher bizarre accusations like this one yesterday. more

10 Comments on BLM Leader Accuses Black NYC Mayor Of Anti-Black Racism

  1. Anybody that is still scared of being called a racist has no self-worth and brings nothing to society.

    The word has been so debased and overused by the left that it no longer means anything to the people that believe in what this country was founded upon.

    If someone wants to call me a racist, it will have the same effect on me as calling me an aardvark.

    But the RINO’s that we pay, and are screwing us, so they can keep getting their kickbacks are terrified of it. Therein lies the problem.

  2. It’s New York City. I’ll worry about it when it comes to America. All those assholes deserve each other. Build a fence around it and throw weapons and ammo to them.

  3. If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The race card is the only tool for these idiots and everything looks like racism. Except, of course, actual racism from leftists.


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