BLM Movement Needs To Die – IOTW Report

BLM Movement Needs To Die


This is not a movement that needs to live. It’s a movement that needs to die out. Something that is positive produces positive results. BLM produces nothing positive. Instead, it traffics in misinformation and damaging racial politics, conditioning younger generations to hate and judge their fellow man simply for the color of their skin. That some consider themselves followers who don’t think like that does not absolve BLM of the marks against it. To the extent that people want positive change, they do not need BLM to organize around. If anything, the baggage of the movement is stopping their progress.

Marxist organizations that traffic in dangerous, divisive, sometimes even violent racial pot stirring do not get to lead “movements.” That’s not how any of this works.


12 Comments on BLM Movement Needs To Die

  1. The rebellion needs tp br put down by force of arms and military tribunals. This is am armed inserrection.
    The AS has been sitting on his FA-Toss for 100+ dats, FIRE the incompetent Bastard!

  2. Sorry to break the bad news but Marxists, and Islamists, never will give up while living in a Constitutional republic. They are co-opting the Bill of Rights to further their own anti liberty belief systems while trying to get rid of ours at the SAME fucking time.

    We are in a war here and THEY are in it to win it…are you? They have the patience of a bunch of vultures flying overhead.

    Go read the Burning Looting and Mayhem manifesto if you don’t GET IT. After that read the Anifa one as well.

  3. It will never “die out”. And that’s the problem. Every new (recycled) “movement”, every kind of even slightly legitimate social problem in the U.S. is being exploited by overarching forces that are international Communist organizations. “BLM” isn’t about anyone’s life mattering; it’s about a catchy, deceitful exploitation of a stastical non-problem. Just as “Occupy” wasn’t about mythical millionaires and billionaires not paying enough taxes.

    You cannot look at individual skirmishes as isolated events. They’ve been using this tactic for the past 100 years and it’s a continuation of it.

    Marxism/Communism, at its core, is based on struggle: class, gender, race. First you create a dichotomy of oppressed/oppressor, then you convince the oppressed that they will never get justice because the oppressor owns all the institutions of your oppression. The only way out is to overthrow your oppressor.

    This is not just a domestic civil war, this is a war against an international front that wants the U.S. “fundamentally changed” into a Marxist/Communist country. That’s not going to “die out”. It has to be confronted, declared and vanquished.

  4. That ECG pattern on the thumbnail is interesting,in that it’s a pretty good sinus rhythm with a well-defined P wave, normal looking QRS complex, and a proper T wave for passive refill…then boom, asystole. It doesn’t deteriorate, there’s no question a fine V-Fib, not even pulseless electrical activity, it just slots off into space without precursor, just healthy and alive to fully dead. he was shot directly in the heart, perhaps…

  5. It’s about winning over middle America – by which I mean the Democrat voters who don’t really want Marxism, socialism, Big Government, welfare hammocks, ‘racial justice’, but who need to be awakened to the fact that they need to make their voices heard. That they need to cast out politicians like the Portland mayor, Chicago mayor, NYC mayor, CA governor, NY governor, etc. etc. for people who will look out for their interests rather than pander to the vocal ones. It requires speaking out – but there are enough Americans to make that happen.

  6. Politics is downstream from Culture. We HAVE to WIN the culture war. As long as the mouthy minority insists that America is rotten, we will be fighting these headwinds forever.

    The good news is there are many able culture warriors in our camp, POTUS Trump being the ablest of them all. And, yes, right now antifa and BurnLootMurder are doing yeoman’s work on our behalf, though not without doing much collateral damage as a result. We cannot think for a moment that to just sit back and allow them to murder people in order to damage their image is an acceptable or even tolerable thing so long as they’re damaging themselves in the process! Our courageous beat cops are patriots and of all people they deserve far more from us.

    In a country founded on law and order in order to protect our constitutional rights, it is intolerable that we are hearing nothing but erudition from the mouth of our top cop, Bill Barr. We’ve got the equivalent of 9/11 rocking our country day and night this summer and not a peep out him! Not a single word about what to expect from him or that we’ll even be okay. What. The. Hell.?

  7. I was all set to watch the Florida State University vs Georgia Tech game yesterday. FSU had spent millions to buy out the contract of our black coach who couldn’t win games and more millions to hire the new coach to play in an almost empty stadium (COVID-19) dictated as opposed to the almost empty stadium from previous season because they couldn’t win games.
    The spoiled brats stormed onto the field with fists up for their social justice BLM crap.
    I turned it off and even took off FSU shirt.
    By the way, new coach and BLM team lost in season opener in front of an almost empty stadium.
    Hell, if they had practiced winning a football game instead of their BLM rant, maybe they could have won the game.

  8. @Abigail Adams – to your point about 100 years?

    “You cannot look at individual skirmishes as isolated events. They’ve been using this tactic for the past 100 years and it’s a continuation of it.” YOU are correct madame.

    The below happened almost 100 years to the…DAY (as in three more days). Someone post this to Twatter, as an example of history repeating itself.

    But history is lost on this bunch, NO! NOT HERE, meaning out THERE, the anarchists, where it appears to be repeating itself.

    Ghost (of NY)


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