BLM Murders Another – IOTW Report

BLM Murders Another


A “Patriot Rally” was set for 2 p.m. The participants planned to meet earlier Saturday at several locations around the Denver metro area and drive to the park next to the state Capitol.

A counter-protest “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive” was planned to start at 1:30 p.m. at Civic Center to “drown out” the rally.

The Denver Police Department (DPD) said they would not provide specifics on how they were responding to the event and released the following statement:

The Denver Police Department respects the right to peacefully assemble. Those who participate in protests, demonstrations, marches, or other gatherings, as protected by the First Amendment, are reminded to do so in a lawful manner. Individuals who choose to act outside of local, state and federal law, will be subject to citation or arrest. 

On Friday, the organizer of the Patriot Rally, John “Tig” Tiegen, did an interview on The Steffan Tubbs Show on KNUS, during which he said, “I’m not going in there to do violence, but I’m going to be prepared to do violence.”


30 Comments on BLM Murders Another

  1. Just outside the Denver art museum…
    In the upside down, inside out, fucked up, topsy-turvy, lame-brain world of the the Left it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to portray this as just performance art. Just wait until Patriots start feeling all “artsy-fartsy”! Then get ready for some Masterpiece Theater!

  2. The commie leftists have been using chaos, intimidation, lies, absurdities and ANYTHING else that keeps us off balance and sometimes confused.

    They have little else to offer…..except communism and socialism.

    They keep us on defense, it’s way past time to turn the tide against them.

  3. So reading the 9News story in the link, they never said which side did the shooting, and which side got shot. But they did print an inflammatory statement by the supposed leader of the patriot group, so I guess that justifies someone getting shot by BLM/Antifa. DPD statement was just as circumspect. What a clusterf**k. Denver is the Portland of the Rockies.

  4. The Governor is a faggot tyrant, the Mayor is a compromised philanderer, the police chief has his balls in a bank vault in the Caymans….You want the real story to come out? Then follow my information posted in the bull pen and it’s a pretty good talk show…..I’m not plugging the radio station. I have no interest in them, just the truth….and they will bring it out as best they can….

  5. Goat Boy brings an excellent point. These assholes only survive where the local politicians support them. Look what’s taking place in Seattle where the DA drops most charges against these anarchists. So when we go from defense to offense, keep that in mind. Ropes cheap.

  6. Quit the fighting. I enjoy both of you… all of you (except for that anon faggot).

    Same shit I had at ABC. Fowler hated Catherine (a dude’s last name) and Catherine hated Fowler. I was friends with both and put in a fucked up position.

  7. Hey Joe 6….Wilfred had broad shoulder….Martha Stewart had butterknife hips….There’s no fighting here, just good natured Saturday night banter…..ain’t that right Butterknife?….LOLOL

  8. Brad, you have to mark where they are, go to the next aisle, and pelt them over the top with #10 cans until they scream.
    It’s kinda like playing “Battleship”!

  9. Brad, what that dude has hanging off his piece doesn’t really necessarily infer adequate, or even any training. Just disposable income. Can’t begin to tell you how many ‘Joe Hollywood Warriors’ I encounter at the range each month sporting the latest and greatest tacticool crap. A fair number have been escorted off as safety threats to other shooters. Enjoyed walking a few myself! The fact this jackwagon was able to fatally shoot someone point blank, does not really argue training. Had he any real weapons training, he would have executed proper threat assessment, and not fired, at all.

    As to this cat being a security guard hired by the local news station, that doesn’t pass smell test, either. Colorado, like Texas, requires all private security guards to be trained, licensed, and registered with the state, prior to employment as a security guard. Armed or unarmed. Searches of the CO State private security database do not return any entries for the shooter, so…

    This certainly brings up an interesting criminal culpablity/civil tort liability dilemma for the local NBC affiliate, KUSA 9NEWS, if they did indeed hire him to protect their wunderkind reporter/producer. Even if their staffer(the skinny kid in the blue shirt, backpack, and black knee bands…all with his own Antifa/BLM baggage) did it own his own hook, the station has admitted that he was security for their staffers. Lawyers, smelling a payday, will be all over this.

    Additionally, it does not appear to have been instigated by the victim. He can be clearly seen, in a video with an agent provocateur (kid in Black Guns Matter tee), moving out of frame right and almost immediately being shot and falling back into it. Footage from different angles capture him walking towards the shooter and his ‘charge.’ The shooter makes a grab at victims mace can and gets slapped away. Victim starts backing away as shooter begins to pull weapon from concealed holster. Shooter appears to experience a misfire and racks the piece (some of the audio captures the sound, and ejected round can be seen airborne) and fires. The victim attempts to spray the shooter after misfire, but is then shot. A number of bystanders have said they witnessed no altercation, between trio, prior to shooting. (Did not bookmark the later footage. Sorry, will update with links when find them all, again.)

    The ugly’s getting real sporty!


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