BLM ‘Security Guard’ Sentenced to Prison for Drop Kicking Man in Head – IOTW Report

BLM ‘Security Guard’ Sentenced to Prison for Drop Kicking Man in Head

Breitbart: An Oregon court sentenced a BLM activist to 20 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to kicking a dazed man in the face. Video captured the moment when he kicked the man after others pulled him from a crashed car, assaulted him, and shoved him to the ground during an August BLM protest.

A court in Portland, Oregon, sentenced Marquise Lee Love, 26, to 20 months in state prison and an additional 36 months of probation after he pleaded guilty to assaulting a man during a BLM protest on August 17, KGW8 reported.

The conviction and sentencing follow a vicious attack on a man who had been pulled from his crashed pickup truck, assaulted, and pushed to the ground by people wearing “security” vests. The man crashed his truck into a tree after attempting to escape other BLM protesters, Breitbart News reported.

A video tweeted by journalist Andy Ngo shows Love running up to the victim from across the street while he sat stunned on the street. He then kicks the victim in the face — knocking him unconscious. read more

11 Comments on BLM ‘Security Guard’ Sentenced to Prison for Drop Kicking Man in Head

  1. Answer to why only third degree assault is that the corrupt DA and the whole Oregon legal system had to do something( it was seen by the world), so third degree assault. He will serve probably much less than a year.

  2. I served on a jury in Texas in a similar case. Gang attack on a man in a parking lot after a local football game. The defendant had delivered a final kick to the head when the victim was down. We decided guilty of attempted murder with a deadly weapon and gave him life. He will be eligible for parole after 20-30 years if I remember correctly. During sentencing the prosecutor ran through the long, long list of crimes this punk has been guilty of over his young life. “Stole a car at 14” kind of life. His mother plead that he was a good boy. In the jury room we put a lot of the blame on her, for her complete failure to discipline, and previous judges and juries for being too lenient on less serious crimes.

  3. Cherrybark, Your story is why good people should not try to get out of jury duty.

    It is the most powerful thing a regular citizen can do.

    You can dismiss the law itself, if you see injustice within it.

    As for his charges, sometimes you go for the easier target to ensure a conviction instead of losing the whole thing because you went for maximum charges and punishment.

    Murder/attempted murder convictions take a higher level of agreement in the jury room because of the punishment.

    You can lose the whole thing because one jurist is squeamish.

  4. “He plead guilty to third degree assault. ”

    Most likely a plea bargain.

    Plea bargains tend to convict the innocent and free the guilty, but at least they make a prosecutors record look good and his or her job easier.

  5. @Dadof4:

    Cherrybark, Your story is why good people should not try to get out of jury duty.

    It is the most powerful thing a regular citizen can do.

    You can dismiss the law itself, if you see injustice within it.

    Amen! Although I don’t approve of the mandatory aspect of jury duty, I don’t let that lessen my enthusiasm for it.

  6. Now sue him through the floor. Probably nothing to get, but if he ever gets money from a vehicle accident, inheritance etc the judgement is out there. It will also be on his credit score


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