BLM Shuts Down Hillary Speech At ‘African Americans For Hillary’ Rally – IOTW Report

BLM Shuts Down Hillary Speech At ‘African Americans For Hillary’ Rally

hillary's chickens home to roost

Yes I love it when leftists eat each other up for not being sufficiently radical or extremist enough!! Today’s edition has the morons of the “Black Lives Matter” movement interrupted Hillary’s “African Americans for Hillary” rally with their idiotic signs and chanting!  [more at SooperMexican]

18 Comments on BLM Shuts Down Hillary Speech At ‘African Americans For Hillary’ Rally

  1. This political year is shaping up to be another ’68 melt down for the Dems. We just need a bunch of radicals to descend on their convention in Philly next Summer and the police busting hippy heads to hand the election to the Republican candidate running on Law and Order and strong foreign policy to make the slaughter at the polls complete.

  2. hey, isn’t the BLM the federal Bureau of Land Management? You know, the out-of-control fascist gummint department that’s going around stealing land from western states cattle ranchers?

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