#BLM Suffers Blow As Baltimore Prosecutors Drop All Charges Against the 3 Remaining Police Untried in the Freddie Gray Case – IOTW Report

#BLM Suffers Blow As Baltimore Prosecutors Drop All Charges Against the 3 Remaining Police Untried in the Freddie Gray Case

Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said the departments will determine whether the officers broke department rules, and he will decide whether to fire or otherwise discipline them. He said he asked the outside agencies to conduct the reviews because of the public concern over the high-profile case.

Story HERE

11 Comments on #BLM Suffers Blow As Baltimore Prosecutors Drop All Charges Against the 3 Remaining Police Untried in the Freddie Gray Case

  1. And now it’s time for the counter-suit against State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who charged the 6 cops for purely political reasons. Don’t be surprised if she is disbarred at the end of all this.

  2. If the police commissioner continues in efforts to find something, anything wrong with the cops behaviour I suspect he won’t be police commissioner for long. This was a political/racial witch hunt from the beginning with the added complication for liberal/progs that three of the officers were black. The Mayor is finished and Moseby, with luck, will be sued for malicious prosecution and fired and disbarred. Her political career is done as the Dems don’t take kindly to losers. The city paid out 6.4 million and some questions are going to be asked about that and that is (I suspect) why the police commissioner is trying to find anything the officers did during or after the arrest to justify the payment.

  3. Now that they’very dropped the charges, they can drop this pitiful excuse for a state AG.

    At first I was wondering how an AG in Maryland can be removed from office, trying to figure about where exactly that would be addressed–state law? Maryland constitution? Then it occurred to me that if the state bar association disbarment her incompetent ass, she would be forced to resign.

    It’s a beautiful day……


    “For those that believe that I’m anti-police, it’s simply not the case,” she began. I’m anti-police brutality. I need not remind you that the only loss and the greatest loss in all of this was that of Freddie Gray’s life. For over a year, my office has been forced to remain silent in all six of the cases pertaining to and surrounding the death of Freddie Gray. Despite being physically and professional threatened, mocked, ridiculed, harassed and even sued, we respected and fulfilled our obligation and dutiful silence in accordance with Judge Barry Williams’ gag order, restricting any commentary from the state. In accordance with my oath to pursue justice over conviction, I refuse to allow the grandstanding of some and the hyperbole of others to diminish our resolve to seek justice on behalf of this young man. I was elected the prosecutor. I signed up for this, and I can take it. Because no matter how problematic and troublesome it has been for my office, my prosecutors, my family, and me personally, it pales into comparison to what mothers and fathers all across this country… go through on a daily basis knowing their son’s mere decision to run from the police proved to be a lethal one.”

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