BLM’s Summer of Rage Using Same Playbook As Arab Spring – IOTW Report

BLM’s Summer of Rage Using Same Playbook As Arab Spring


It’s an interesting comparison to note. The ideological interests behind the 2010 “Arab Spring” uprising are the exact same ideological interests behind the 2020 “Black Lives Matter” protests/uprising.

Not merely similar people, but the exact same people. The exact same group of U.S. people who were promoting the mid-east Arab Spring in 2010 are the same people now promoting the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. The same politicians; the same media voices; the same newspapers; the same social media activists. Almost every participant, and their support for the uprising ’10 -vs- ’20 is identical. More

6 Comments on BLM’s Summer of Rage Using Same Playbook As Arab Spring

  1. Hillary instigated that off-Broadway rehearsal. The Dems must be desperate to have demanded a command performance before the scheduled opening. Given the notoriously short attention span of voters, I am curious and somewhat worried why the Dems are triggering actions so far away from November. Still, it’s a reasonable gamble, as long as “noble” Republicans continue to genuflect to the mob in the streets, across the aisle and in the swamp.

    Morsi was a fool, but only in hindsight. The Muslim Brotherhood performed a textbook co-op of a popular movement — as planned by the Obama administration. As usual, the radical Left underestimates the wisdom of the lumpenproletariat — but only just, and not always.

    Chavez did it right. He didn’t turn down the screws until he had consolidated power. It hurts worse when you know you’ve been had, it’s mostly your fault, and there isn’t anything you can do about it, short of risking probable suffering/torture/death for you and your loved ones.

    We’re only a dirty election, or successful coup, away from that inexorable slide into the abject misery of the socialist utopia.

    Nothing is as it was. There is no more “normal”. The most paranoid and farfetched scenarios are now commonplace.

    We aren’t past the edge yet, but we are perilously close. I don’t know what the path must be to stop this juggernaut, but it must be stopped. I hate having to place faith in political leaders, but here we are again. I still don’t trust Trump, but what alternative is there? He is far better than any of the Republican options, and no Democrat is willing to unchain his/her self from abortion, LGBT(insert letters here) and the ComIntern.

  2. @ACParker June 22, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    > We aren’t past the edge yet, but we are perilously close. I don’t know what the path must be to stop this juggernaut, but it must be stopped. I hate having to place faith in political leaders, but here we are again. I still don’t trust Trump, but what alternative is there?

    Asked, and answered.

    Just keep biting that couch pillow. It’ll all be fine.

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