Blog as Therapy – IOTW Report

Blog as Therapy

Warning: This will bore non-poker players right into a coma.

I need poker players to chime in because I am “loosing” my mind here. I may never play again.

I was in a Texas Holdem’ tournament late last night and I was knocked out in record time (4th hand), and people were looking at me like I was the jackass. 

Table of ten people. Everyone’s stack was about even.

I was in late position with only 4 limpers, so I played king-7 suited, something I wouldn’t normally do.

The flop came ace of clubs, queen of diamonds, 8 of clubs.

First guy bets 2 1/2 the blinds. 2 players folded and there was a call from a second player. I called. (I played loose because I really wanted to be watching the Mets.)

The turn was a jack of clubs. I turn the nut flush. First guy out bets 5 times the blinds. Ka-ching. Second guy CALLS!  Ka-ka -ch-ching.

I decide to bet FIFTEEN times the blinds to see if one of the donks will call. (This is 4/5ths the stack.) BOTH CALL!!!!!  Now I’m a little concerned because whatever it is these weirdos are looking for has just increased twofold. The poker gods seem to smile on the worst player.

I’m looking at tripling up with nothing (currently) on the board that can beat me. I know the odds, and I think it’s a no-brainer.

10 players = 20 cards One burn card and 3 on the flop = 24 cards. 1 burn card and the turn = 26 cards.

The board is not paired. The most either of them can have is 2 pairs. They need a very specific card to beat me, namely one of their pairs to trip up. That’s a 4-outer in a deck of 26. With 2 opponents it’s an 8-outer. That’s what? 30%?

For every 10 times we run this scenario I win 7 times and I triple up. Over the long haul I’m a very rich man.

But it gets worse, people.

The river card? An ace. Could one of these idiots been calling off their entire stack with 2 pair, looking for a miracle card? Did one of them hit with this pair on the board?


The ace not only gave one guy a full house. It gave both of them the same full house. They each had ace-queen in the hole.

What does that mean? They caught a 2-outer in a deck of 26 cards. 1 in 13. For every 13 times we run this scenario I win 12 times and triple up.

Now, I don’t mind. It’s poker. Things happen. (No, I do mind. This is horrible poker playing on their part.)

The rest of “the players” at the table had no idea whatsoever what just happened, and looked at me like I was the idiot because I lost to 2 full houses while I only had a lowly ace-high flush.

The best part? The Mets won and I got to watch.







30 Comments on Blog as Therapy

  1. Maybe you forgot to off the computercam, looser – it’s obvious they’re figuring out all your tells.
    You know they only pay off in OnlineTexasHoldemBux,.right?
    They’re worth like twice iOTWBux

  2. Do you wear dark sunglasses, a big fur hat at the table and an expression of no expression?

    I’m looking forward to your story of meeting Gabe Kaplan and swapping stories about the Sweathogs. 😉

  3. Fur, I play 2-3 tourneys every weekend. Seen similar hands like that often.

    Early in tourneys, bad players will make that call. The 2nd caller is really bad.

    If you made that huge bet into me, I fold even wit a set – 10 outs. That’s like staking my tourney life on a straight or flush draw – good players don’t do that. (Unless the Red Sox are in the World Series)

    I make final tables fairly often by avoiding stupid calls like those. Sure, I’ll see my boat hit the river, but much more often, I made the right non-call.

    Write this one off as “bad beat by a donk(s).”

  4. Those 2 were goibg to call any bet, thinking top 2 pair is good. They were probably clueless to the 3 suited on the board.

    I think a pot sized bet here would be enough. Smart players fold. You win.

    Stupid players call. If the river doesn’t pair the board, you can bet big (a donk might even call). You win real good pot.

    Since the board paired, you can min bet. If raised, you fold and not “loose” too many chips.

    Later in tourney, you can bet bigger, as you did last night and probably take down the pot.

    What do you think?

  5. I only called the 2 1/2 times the blind bet, which is unusual for me because it’s a timed tourney and I’m a nit until the last color up, about an hour to go.

    When the flush hit I wasn’t first bettor.
    The first guy out, with only two pair, looking at three clubs, bet 5 times the blinds. The second donk called.

    I had one of them on the smaller flush, and one on two pair.
    I have the small flush dominated, and the other on a 4 outer in a deck of 26.

    I really wanted to be paid off (last week I flopped a straight flush and everyone folded on a min bet) so I was actually tilty from a WEEK PRIOR.

    So I raised the guy 15 blinds, really expecting one fold.

    Now Im looking at 8 outs for them in a 26 card deck.
    I STILL like my odds.

    When the ace hit, the guy went all in. The second guy called.

    I really didn’t care at this point. I would be stuck so bad that I’d rather have gone home and watched the Mets.

    Had I folded I was going to see the cards because they were all-in.

    If they showed trips, or the shit flush I would have flipped the table.
    I called because going home versus sitting there with 6 big blinds with 3 hours to go was not my idea of fun.

    I hate dumb as shit players who river gold.
    Never have I been felted like this.
    But, it’s going to happen to you if you play a lot.
    I play a lot.

  6. I hate you.

    The guy in first position is actually a decent player, he just went goofy for some reason.

    The other guy is pure crap. Clueless. Big Biker dude who sounds like sitting there is a workout.
    It sounds like he is taking a perpetual difficult shit.

  7. I wish you came to AZ on your “Good Bye New Yawk” tour.

    Lots of tourneys from $30-100 entry. A few on Saturdays from $150-300.

    I played in the AZ State Championship last month. 1580 players, paid 160 spots. I finished #150. Doubled my $$. Nervewracking, long, tough players, many from Las Vegas. Had nice chat with Dennis Phillips – great guy.

    Check PokerAtlas for tourney schedules everywhere.

  8. That’s kind of the way I play it. Lost complete interest in cards in college when the fuckers I played turned my cards over every third hand to “see if I was bluffing.”

  9. You set yourself up for a big loss when you played the K-7 suited. Although you flopped and turned the best possible hand, almost all of the outcomes when you play that hand at a full table are negative.

    King flops, out-kickered, clubs flop, someone has the Ace-X of clubs, etc.

    Even with the best possible flop you got burned. Granted, you win 7 out of 10 times after the turn, but it was the initial call that killed you.

  10. I don’t play cards. Nor do I golf, And I have never even picked up a bowling ball.
    Darts is my game.

    Some years ago I was on a Thurs. night league and got pretty good. But eventually, I always ran up against somebody who could clean my clock.
    As the losers had to buy the next round, it added some incentive to the games.
    I found the first 3 or 4 pitchers helped my scores, but performance dropped off somewhat after that.

    One night it was Flaming Eddies and Jagermeister instead of Guiness and I CRUSHED the opposition! At one point I was playing 3 simultaneous games, on 3 different boards.
    I was ON FIRE!

    From what I hear, it was epic…

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