BlogTalkRadio Hosting Radio Show Calling For the Killing of White People – IOTW Report

BlogTalkRadio Hosting Radio Show Calling For the Killing of White People

BlogTalkRadio is hosting a show that is calling for the death of white people and white cops.

6 Comments on BlogTalkRadio Hosting Radio Show Calling For the Killing of White People

  1. Saw this earlier somewhere–never in my life have I been so angry and so speechless at the same time.

    Well, no, I’m not speechless, actually I have a LOT to say about it, but debating the right forum. This needs to be so viral, readers are hacking up n their computer screens.

    Uber viral.

  2. No one should be shocked. One could see what the Rainbowhouse resident could do when he was “elected” to the IL Senate. Onr knew he would destroy the nation.

    ” 1997: opposed bill preventing partial-birth abortion
    In 1997, Obama voted in the Illinois Senate against SB 230, a bill designed to prevent partial-birth abortions. In the US Senate, Obama has consistently voted to expand embryonic stem cell research. He has voted against requiring minors who get out-of-state abortions to notify their parents. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) gives Obama a 100% score on his pro-choice voting record in the Senate for 2005, 2006, and 2007.
    Source: Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi, p.238-239 , Aug 1, 2008

    Opposed legislation protecting born-alive failed abortions
    Obama has consistently refused to support legislation that would define an infant who survives a late-term induced-labor abortion as a human being with the right to live. He insists that no restriction must ever be placed on the right of a mother to decide to abort her child.

    On March 30, 2001, Obama was the only Illinois senator who rose to speak against a bill that would have protected babies who survived late term labor-induced abortion. Obama rose to object that if the bill passed, and a nine-month-old fetus survived a late-term labor-induced abortion was deemed to be a person who had a right to live, then the law would “forbid abortions to take place.” Obama further explained the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not allow somebody to kill a child, so if the law deemed a child who survived a late-term labor-induced abortion had a right to live, “then this would be an anti-abortion statute.” –

  3. Oh man, I got distracted when my son came home from school and when I came back to the computer pressed refresh and lost all I had written. Gahhhhh.

    Anyway….Plain Jane and Joe, I agree. I’m not shocked, yet in a way I am, if that makes sense. I’ve come to expect this from him in the same way the Russian school massacre I saw coming. Yet I still have to say it out loud to believe it’s really true: that I live in times in which, after all the world has been through, people slice babies’ heads apart to sell its contents and openly call for the mass murder of police and the race that happens to be the majority in the nation.

    I also don’t like to fight. I just want to live my life and be left alone. I have my little boy, books, my writing, my hobbies, I can be happy. (Even with moulded strawberries and periodically shaking earth.)

    But this is intolerable and UNacceptable. What if we decided upon a hashtag and tweeted stuff out and re-tweeted each other so that our followers and their followers saw it, and so on? I know it sounds elementary, but some (me included) might be surprised at how much of this stuff that is common knowledge to many of us is completely unknown to people who don’t read conservative blogs or anything other than the New York Slimes, as Levin call it.

    We could tweet, for starters, the link to this entry with a pithy summary and keep it going. After all, that’s not what assholes like these count on. They’d rather that even if we get enraged, life take over and we go back to balancing our checkbooks and choosing the best grapefruit, and forget about their misdeeds.

    The thing is–this IS life. This is our life, our lives, and not a single one of us ever should fall to their savagery. I personally would rather–if I ever had to go down–go down fighting tooth and nail and never kneel down to make it easier for them to kill me.

  4. What really worries me is that there are plenty of young black males in this country who are unemployed, uneducated and armed to the teeth, who think this kind of thing is right up their alley.

    What this reminds me of is the troops of apes squaring off across a pond in “2001 A Space Odyssey” and going at each other with bones. Same primitive mentality now among roughly 13% of the population of the US, only better armed.

    Consider how many videos you have seen in the past year of mobs of blacks attacking stores to steal as much as possible; black women fighting black women in Chuckie Cheese; going off on fast food clerks who made a mistake on a hamburger order; the examples get more frequent, more extreme and more violent all the time.

    I grew up during the race riots of the sixties and I perceive things are much worse now because of the complete disconnect between the races. There is no way to reason with the caller to this show, or any of the people who agree with him completely. I have long feared what we are seeing today and I think it gets a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better.

    Check six…

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