Blonde Hair is a Dead Giveaway in Germany That You’re an Undesirable – IOTW Report

Blonde Hair is a Dead Giveaway in Germany That You’re an Undesirable

The rapidity in which we’ve gone from, “do not discriminate” to “it would be nice if we could kill off whitey,” is stunning.


Researcher of right-wing politics, Eva Prausner, says a huge danger of right-wing families is that they seem normal.

Because of this, she says many parents will already have established good relations with them to the point that they “are no longer marginalised and at worst, get support”.

While there are different types of right-wing families, Baby & Family asserts that daycare centres should always seek help when dealing with them.

“The right has many forms. The definition of what is extreme and what is not is difficult”, it says, but asserts that all manifestations must be dealt with because right wingers could spread their views when meeting with other parents in the playground.

Heike Radvan of the controversial Amadeu Antonio Foundation warns that “children of right-wing parents are not necessarily different from other children”, but says they are often “very obedient” and might not talk much.

Despite asserting that such children are not outspoken, the “experts” wheeled out by the magazine warn that a sinister aspect of right-wing parenting is that they instil self-confidence in their progeny.

They do this, Prausner posits, in hope that “their offspring will later confidently carry their ideology into the world”.

Köttig explains that right-wing families are not unlike ordinary families in that they teach their own values. The important difference with extreme right-wing groups, however, is that these values are “strongly geared at Germanic customs and traditions”.

Prausner says “right-wing kids” are aware that they should keep their family lives private, but she adds that a telltale sign of right-wing extremism is that there are usually no American logos on their parents’ clothing.

This is not to say there aren’t visual signs which can indicate a child is from a right-wing family, however, the researcher points out. Prausner warns that, while most people wouldn’t recognise them as such, “accurate braids and long skirts” serve as a warning sign that a child has right-wing parents.


ht/ tb

12 Comments on Blonde Hair is a Dead Giveaway in Germany That You’re an Undesirable

  1. If the right wing in Europe doesn’t get their shit together real soon they will have nowhere to go. They need to start with dumping all Leftist politicians as their number one priority.

  2. Heike Radvan of the controversial Amadeu Antonio Foundation warns that “children of right-wing parents are not necessarily different from other children”, but says they are often “very obedient” and might not talk much.

    Gee ya think???

    Particularly when they see Pater und Mütter marched off to ins Gefängnis for thought crimes.

  3. When I was stationed in Germany I was surprised how few blond-haired people there were there. Pretty much everyone had some shade of brown hair, just like Angela Merkel. And Hitler.

  4. Gotta keep an eye on them Christians who believe they got a right to their own money!
    And their own country!
    And their own homes!

    Dangerous fukkers, them thar blond Christian right-wingers!
    (keep an eye on them blue-eyed devils, too!)
    (and them green-eyed ones!)

    izlamo delenda est …

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