Blood Type May Affect Severity of COVID – IOTW Report

Blood Type May Affect Severity of COVID


A genetic analysis of COVID-19 patients suggests that blood type might influence whether someone develops severe disease, per the AP. Scientists who compared the genes of thousands of patients in Europe found that those who had Type A blood were more likely to have severe disease while those with Type O were less likely. The study in the New England Journal of Medicine does not prove a blood type connection, but it does back up a previous report from China of such a link. “Most of us discounted it because it was a very crude study,” Dr. Parameswar Hari, a blood specialist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, said of the report from China. With the new work, “now I believe it,” he said. “It could be very important.” Other scientists urged caution.


20 Comments on Blood Type May Affect Severity of COVID

  1. Im O+ and I almost never get the flu. Some eight years ago, I had the lamest case of flu ever. It was over in 12 hours. My red corpuscles just opened up a can of O+ whoop-ass, I guess

    And I know it was influenza because wife and son came down with it. Wife was sick for a week

  2. As an A-, I’m no a Democrat, although my blood type is paranoid and thinks everything is out to get it…even my unborn children, who, given their superior O+ blood, were able to survive my blood type’s abortifacients. Plus a nice shot of RhoGam.

  3. O+ but in my early days they told me O-… kind of like prescribing me bifocals when I was 14 due to “mild nearsightedness” and later found out I was SO farsighted that my eyeballs had trouble adjusting to near……. they “PRACTICE” medicine… Fukc ’em!

    @ Jewel,
    I went through that with my late bride and two otherwise healthy (insane) babies.

  4. What are the chances the COVID-19 virus has been weaponized? A small aerosol can in a large crowd. We have seen what the socialist-democrats are willing to do in plain sight. I’m sure infecting/killing a few thousand people to get their way. wouldn’t bother them.

  5. Blood type matters.
    No it doesn’t.
    Wear a mask.
    Don’t wear a mask.
    Hydroxychloroquin helps.
    No it doesn’t.
    The one certainty about COVID-19 is that NOTHING is certain.

  6. As an A- I’ll take this news and change non of my behaviors. I’d be more interested in the other factors this A population in Europe had. Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Way too generalized to make such a claim at this time.

  7. If memory serves a plurality of people have A+ blood. Given there are many more people with A+ blood with many having underlying health conditions, doesnt it make sense there would be more A+ patients with severe COVID cases?

  8. AB+ and Type 1 diabetic here.
    I only get the flu when I get the flu shot.
    Which is why I stopped it in 2010 and haven’t had any flu
    since. Did I mention I’m diabetic.
    Yeeeeah, that’s right. Look at my non-mask wearing face. LOOK AT IT!!!

  9. A- here … haven’t had a flu (knock on wood) in over 15 years … when I was young, got it every year

    probably ’cause I was a sewer worker for 12 years before that …. lol (we called ourselves ‘turd herders’) … never got colds, flu’s, fevers, …. great immunity enhancer

    … & it keeps you from biting your nails! 😜


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