…additional years of life for millions of Americans — including paraplegics, diabetics, schizophrenics, and even the elderly — are simply worth less.
American Thinker: Democratic presidential primary candidate Michael Bloomberg took flak again at Wednesday night’s debate in Charleston over his past statements regarding women and minorities. But the other candidates once again ignored one of his most recent controversial positions. Earlier this month, a video emerged of Bloomberg arguing that some healthcare for the elderly should be restricted in order to prevent healthcare costs from bankrupting the country. He ends with the caveat, “Society’s not willing to do that yet.”
Yet powerful groups are working to overturn this societal consensus that patients should be treated as individuals. Exhibit A is a nonprofit partially funded by the health insurance industry that’s working to limit access to breakthrough medications that would extend and improve their lives. Those with rare, life-threatening, or chronic diseases — in addition to the elderly — have the most to lose.
Last month, the Boston-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) released a draft report on three new medications for acute migraine, and another report on three new therapies for sickle-cell disease, which affect about four million and 100,000 Americans, respectively. The conclusion of both reports: The therapies’ benefits in terms of longer lifespans or higher quality of life aren’t worth their costs. ICER’s opposition to these new prescription drugs follows similar conclusions it made on breakthrough therapies released last year to treat cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and other devastating conditions. read more
SNIP: Short people have no reason to live.

When a wannabe death-tyrant tells you why and how he wants to kill people he considers useless mouths to feed you had
best listen. Under a system created by such a creature your turn will come.
As I understand it I am here. As a person with heart, kidney, lymbic system disabilities I resemble his ideal as a poster boy for death as I am probably worth more to society dead than to continue on as a parasite to society and the government of all you peoples.
On the other hand as soylent green I’d probably feed a family of 4 for a month.
All forms of government health care work by limiting care and there by limiting costs.
He would elect to not treat someone for a sickle cell crisis when treatment is available?
Please stake him over an ant hill.
He either has no concept of the pain in just that particular disease, or he is an apostle of satan.
Why would a person of color ever vote for him? And he knows that. So what is he really up to?
if you put a cost-benefit analysis to human life … God would have wiped us out long, long ago
& given these little shitweasle megalomaniacs propensity to think they are God … it has now infested most of their dRat constituents
When will people realize that when it comes to health care costs, government (and lawyers) are the problem?