“Blow by Blow” Account of a Gay Old Time with Obama – IOTW Report

“Blow by Blow” Account of a Gay Old Time with Obama


“I had given Barack $250 to pay for coke,” [Larry] Sinclair replied. “I start putting a line on a CD tray to snort, and next thing I know he’s got a pipe and he’s smoking.”

Sinclair went on to explain that after a while, he rubbed Obama’s thigh to “see where it was going,” and was pleased that it “went the direction [he’d] intended it to go.” He added that it “definitely wasn’t Barack’s first time,” and suggested it “wasn’t his last.”

“You had sex with him twice, you did cocaine with him, [and] watched him smoke crack twice, you had no idea who he was?” [Tucker] Carlson asked.

“I had no idea,” Sinclair replied.

He went on to suggest that his allegations would have been taken more seriously by those in power “if the media really cared about telling people the truth.”

Sinclair first made the allegations against Obama in 2008 in the middle of the then-senator from Illinois’ presidential run, and soon released a book. More

Watch the interview Here

12 Comments on “Blow by Blow” Account of a Gay Old Time with Obama

  1. So, what does that do for any of us now, the damage is already done and still being done. Him being gay these days is no big deal now. Heck, even Trump held a big party for them at his mansion. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, it’s an acceptable way of life now. The day is coming, most of you here know that.

  2. I’m so embarrassed for our country and my countrymen and -women who have pure-heartedly worn our military’s uniforms with only sobering respect, honor and privilege in their hearts. How the mighty U.S. has fallen. How can God bless this America? It would seem to be pure hubris to ask, given the state of the union.


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