Blow it out your whatever – IOTW Report

Blow it out your whatever

Before her new morning shoe debut, Megyn Kelly says politics has never been important to her.


“We’ll definitely be talking about major developments out of Washington, but it’s not going to be the Trump channel. I just don’t think that’s what people are looking for.” And besides, despite her 13 years at The Kelly File, “politics has never been something that’s important to me.”

So what will viewers like “Madge from Middle America,” Kelly’s longtime imaginary target, glean if they start watching?  “They’ll understand what’s happening in their world, cultural issues, legal issues and a lot of times, personal issues, whether it’s something focused on a person’s marriage, or child-rearing, or quest for happiness or health or finances.”

In other words, the same old shit with a new Chicklet-toothed bimbo.

“This isn’t about trying to shoehorn her into a format where she doesn’t belong. This show is a natural expression of what she wanted to do from Day 1. I think the audience will sense that authenticity, even if it’s a side of her they haven’t seen before.”

Authentic, like an opportunistic c-word who tried desperately to stunt Trump’s momentum and get her fellow c-word elected.

But she bristles at suggestions that Trump deserves credit for raising her public profile. “I was in danger for much of the year, my family was in danger” as Trump supporters threatened her. “I was doing just fine, so I don’t appreciate when people suggest I was some college co-ed prior to Donald Trump finding me in obscurity and plucking me out,” she says. “Donald Trump did not make me; I made me. And for the record, unlike President Trump, I did not have a rich father who gave me a $1 million loan when I was a kid.  My dad died when I was in high school, I paid my own way and lifted myself up.”

Did I say she was a c-word yet?

What she describes as her “non-partisan” approach to political talk “made me better as an anchor in cable news,” but while The Kelly File suited her skills “it didn’t make me happy.”

May she fail miserably, again.

Megyn claims she farts in the general direction of politics and she’s non-partisan, but her debut week is slated with these guests-

the women of Saturday Night Live and the casts of Will & Grace, Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda.

Ya, sure Megyn. You’re fooling no one.


35 Comments on Blow it out your whatever

  1. SO disinterested in politics (just creating and stepping over political corpses) is Megyno that she bragged before the first GOP Presidential debate how she was going to take down one (some?) of the candidates.

    Having had her a$$ handed to her by Trump, it’s taken this long for her to get out of the toilet and back into the garbage dumpster.

  2. Just flipping channels I thought I saw her doing a big in depth, ground breaking, earth shattering interview with the kardashians. Or was that some other self important, narcissistic blond bimbo?

  3. At some point when Kelly was still with Fox, she decided she was more important than her audience or the issues of the day. I have a wife to preach at me and tell me what I should think – I can’t turn off the wife, but I can turn off the television.

  4. What her and ever other bitch like will never admit is that her vagina privilege got her where she is today. Every woman on this planet who isn’t butt ugly’s sitting on a gold mine and most know it. All they have to do is bat their eyes and smile and give some moron an idea he’s going to get in those pants and he’ll do any damn thing for her. That’s how the butch got there too.

  5. There are PLENTY of people out there on basic and cable television talking and giving opinions. What separates them is when they find a niche. And that niche is the low amount of Conservatives fighting back against the empire.

    Now she joins the empire and wonders why she isn’t special anymore.

  6. She’s got a lot of nerve. What a rotten fake. Good luck being a liberal tool, Megyn. Once their done with you, conservative audiences aren’t stupid. They won’t take you back.

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