Blowhard Delusional Serial Liar Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Blowhard Delusional Serial Liar Joe Biden

Run this, as is, as a political ad. Anyone voting for this guy would be endorsing mental illness, or a guy that has severe memory problems.

20 Comments on Blowhard Delusional Serial Liar Joe Biden

  1. Ah, this is going to be such a fun election year. Or, the Dems blow up their party when they push Joe aside.

    Cannot wait for the coming political ads and debates. Trump is certainly not your typical “don’t make waves” Republican.

  2. Biden reminds me of that loathsome character in the movie “The Firm,” played by Gene Hackman.

    How misguided does one have to be that Joe Biden is your champion going into the next Presidential election? It still astounds me, these things.

  3. That reminds me of when I was an astronaut and went to the moon to perform some chemistry experiments. memory just failed me. I was actually a big Star Trek fan who mooned some people during a football game while high on illegal chemicals.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  4. The dems can put up the worst candidates and with such confidence, because they have know that the mountains of cheats they have in place would elect a corpse. Hence Hillary and Freaky Joe

  5. Just one of numerous reasons I call him Jackass Joe… cuz he is and always has been a worthless, half-century, federal tit-sucking, lying, self-aggrandizing, plagiarizing parasite!
    In fewer words… a real piece of shit!

  6. “Run this, as is, as a political ad…”

    As a political ad at the time those statements and news coverage thereof occurred, that clip would be devastating.

    Unfortunately, that was some 40(?) odd years ago and today in this new media reality it would be debunked as old, irrelevant news. Move along, nothing to see here. And more importantly, the TDS and low-fo voters would whole-heartedly agree.

  7. Joe is willing to lie about things that can be easily checked. But he’s super credible when he says he knew nothing about Hunter’s side-deals in China and Ukraine, or what Tara Reade alleges “never, never happened.”

  8. Remember Biden saying this when he was telling another lie about pinning a Medal on some Navy guy. “this is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”
    Biden’s word is as good as Clinton’s or Obama’s, meaning it ain’t worth shit.


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