Blue Cross/Blue Shield – Red Ink – IOTW Report

Blue Cross/Blue Shield – Red Ink

Fitch Ratings looked at nearly three dozen BlueCross/BlueShield companies and found that 23 saw a decline in earnings that totaled $1.9 billion in the first nine months of last year, while 16 had net losses.”



“The reason is Obamacare.”

“This is a big deal, given that Blue Cross plans are often the largest provider of individual insurance policies in any given market. The Blue Cross plan in Michigan has more than a third of the exchange market, in Delaware it’s more than 80%, and it is almost 90% in North Carolina.”



4 Comments on Blue Cross/Blue Shield – Red Ink

  1. I had Blue Cross for $120 per month until ObamaCare raised it to $879 per month. Now, I have no insurance and I get to pay a FINE for that privilege.

    Fuck you Obama, and fuck anyone else who repeals it only to implement something I still am forced to purchase against my will.

  2. Farmwife; You aren’t supposed to actually listen to what Trump says, just listen to the cheering crowds.
    As to the insurance companies, well, they wrote the law, they just seriously underestimated how much the thieves in government they conspired with would take off the top for themselves.
    All in all, they are getting what they deserve.

  3. Blue cross/Blue shield and the rest of the insurance industry ARE the problem….Obamacare just makes it worse….BCBS is the only health insurance available where I live and “The Market Place” confirmed that fact….This is nothing new. Individual health insurance has been unaffordable, basically unusable, with high copays and deductibles for 30 plus years. It ain’t insurance, it’s licensed and regulated theft…

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