Blue Pill Journalist Gets Pig-Piled For Saying Ivermectin is Not Just a “Horse De-Wormer” – IOTW Report

Blue Pill Journalist Gets Pig-Piled For Saying Ivermectin is Not Just a “Horse De-Wormer”

So, I already had to get a correction from one outlet that misidentified me as saying “ivermectin works,” which I never did. It’s amazing – merely identifying it as a human medicine instead of a “horse and cow de-wormer” is enough to inspire accusations of “promoting” the drug. – Matt Taibi

Taibbi goes on to criticize left-wing media, saying they remind him of the Falwell moral majority, which blue-pilled him back in the day.

– MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid Sunday proposed sticking the swallowers of “horse paste” at the back of the line in order to prioritize the more deserving, “rather than allowing the ivermectin people” — she spoke the words as if holding a vile wriggling thing with tweezers — to “take up all the beds.”

-This was a network anchor despising a group of people so much that she itched to deny them medical care, not only despite having never met them, but despite the fact that they may not even exist. The “overwhelmed Oklahoma E.R.” tale later seemed to go sideways, the latest in a line of crackups by media lost in the throes of a moral panic.

-News has become a corporatized version of the “Two Minutes Hate,” in which the goal of every broadcast is an anxiety-ridden audience provoked to the point of fury by the un-policed infamy of whatever wreckers are said to be threatening civilization this week.

-I never thought this could happen, but people like Maddow, Reid, and the editors of the New York Times opinion page have taken over the role once occupied by Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority.

-That brand of pious sadism is now baseline norm in the wing of the media business where I once worked. Today’s press constantly makes religious icons out of tendentious bureaucrats like Bob Mueller and “Saint” Anthony Fauci, strives all the time to turn changeable news narratives into inflexible Holy Writ, and delights even more than Falwell in its own version of divine retribution stories.

25 Comments on Blue Pill Journalist Gets Pig-Piled For Saying Ivermectin is Not Just a “Horse De-Wormer”

  1. Be careful. I’ve been fully vaccinated since April. I’m a Christian, right wing voter; love my country; disagree with shut-downs, vaccine passports and masks. I even write pithy comments on this site from time to time just because it’s fun. Bottom line: I think it’s possible to question authority and still make reasonable decisions about my health. Yes, I’m fully vaxed and no irregular appendages have grown, I don’t THINK I have any nanobots roaming through my bloodstream yet, and I’m quite certain I still control my thoughts. So there you have it.

  2. When the attack dogs of the Left (Joy Reid et al.) are turned loose on something or someone RUN! These people are administering an agenda in a predictable, knee-jerk manner. I don’t know anything about medicine, but neither DO THEY!

  3. I think we can take the comment from @NIdahoCatholic to refer not to those who got shot but instead to the vaccine zealots with self-inflicted assumed righteousness proselytizing for the shot and dehumanizing and demonizing any and all who question their position.

    There are valid reasons to get the shot; it depends on the individual’s medical condition and implied risk evaluation. IOW, it is a subset (a small one I hope) of the “quaccinated” who fit @NIdahoCatholic’s description.

  4. Jason is begging to be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility for his own protection. Crazy talk – It is logically, empirically, and metaphysically impossible to be vaxxed and yet believe others can choose otherwise.

    This is like saying you don’t believe in Santa Claus but tell your kids that Santa is coming on Christmas Eve.

  5. this vaccine doesnt work. The proof is in all those vaccinated people gettin the flu.

    In todays world i dont know why anyone would trust anything created in 8 months and put out to the public without years of testing. Peoples unfailing trust in big pharma and newly created and untested product baffles me. They have proven to be in pursueing this vax for the big money, not for anything beneficial to society. I am unvaxed and will remain so and so should you at least until its proven to be safe which will take years.

  6. Jason, BFH, others:

    At the risk of incurring wrath, this is serious enough that I’m just going to say it.

    While no one at this point should be blamed for believing that these were real vaccines that provided immunity, or even (since the CDC now has changed the definition of a vaccine from “immunity” to reducing severity of symptoms) taking the vaccine because of age or underlying conditions.

    Others, however, are correct to point out that it seems ill-considered to take any unapproved untested pharmaceutical product for an illness that has a 99.98% recovery rate. Vioxx, anyone?

    There have been more deaths and permanent disabilities recorded (and most aren’t recorded) in VAERS from these biologics in the few months they have been out than for all other vaccines combined since the start of vaccine record-keeping. Whether or not one has had any noticeable adverse effects, there are some epidemiologists and esteems docs out there concerned about unnoticeable but yet permanent adverse effects, such as microscopic clotting, potential susceptibility to Covid variants and other viruses in the future, ADE, and other problems.

    One of the most problematic issues is that widespread vaccination of people during a pandemic furthers the spread of more dangerous mutations (viruses mutate constantly) because people who otherwise would be sick are walking around, allowing these mutations to leap into other people and multiply. This reverses the trend of virus mutations that spread tending to become less dangerous over time.

    So yes, vaccinated people indeed may make everything worse in the long run.

    For anyone who has a choice, vaccinated or not, please don’t any more. There are plenty of viable treatment protocols assuming they are started early. And yes, ivermectin, a zinc ionophore, is a part of one of them.

  7. Can’t wait to see how the MSM spins the quackcinnation (I like it) and all the furor over making sure everybody gets it after the virus mutates into something that ONLY Ivermectin or HCQ will cure.
    It’s coming.

  8. I’m learning the foremost authority on the RONA, the person that separated all the bull shit to expose the facts, the guy that totally understands just WTF is going on is Ron DeSantis.
    As soon as this sit storm started Ron DeSantis sought out experts in the Communicable disease arena, people that have been published and he get daily updates from them. If you shut out all of the white noise and just listen to that guy things start to make sense.

  9. I have been informed that I have until 2December to revive both shots or be discharged from military service. I was going to try and stay under the radar but they are pushing this full speed ahead. I am not obese, lung impared, old or unhealthy, but I am having my choice taken from me by a politician and a collection of hacks. I do not know if I will drop my retirement papers off or stay, I have to do some soul searching over this issue. I do not see a benefit to the shot for me, do not want to spread this to my family, since they are not in the mandate, and would like to collect on my pension I have earned.

  10. As I wrote earlier, my CoV-19 “test” tested for SARS-2.
    As did my nephew’s-in-law.

    Do what you like.
    And I’ll do what I like.

    Let Freedom Ring!

    My Body.
    My Choice.

    If it doesn’t immunize, then what’s the point?
    If you get the flu (any type) mix some lemon and honey with Jim Beam and go to bed. (may want to take some aspirin – there’s NO CURE for the flu)
    Immunizations work on SPECIFIC viruses and have to be done PRIOR to infection.
    But everybody knows this (if I know it; everybody knows it).

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Big pharma makes 50 billion a year selling us mandatory vaccines. they’re also making 500 billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds etc. Virtually all of the medications they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as SIDE EFFECTS of the vaccines on their own manufacturers inserts. It’s the perfect business model. They make everyone sick and create lifetime customers.

  12. There are so many false claims, contradictions, reversals over Covid and vaccinations that nothing is believable, all is befouled by politics. I have, however, used Ivermectin wormer on horses since about 1980 with no negative reactions. It is safe at multiples of the recommended dose. Since I use it its name is a trigger – I would read anything that appeared in the news about it, whether as a horse anthelmintic or as a human medication, watching for anything negative about it. I have seen nothing in forty years. The same cannot be said about the currently promoted vaccinations. Taking no consideration of how effective it may be against Covid, at least it doesn’t get people hospitalized.

  13. Don’t know why the left gets upset when I make a personal medical decision. I’m ok with anyone that elects to follow Fauci. It’s your body your decision. Their behavior is the definition of a fascist. You do your thing, I’ll do mine, OK? Cmon man!


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