Blue States Clog Up Court System With Lawsuits Against The Administration – IOTW Report

Blue States Clog Up Court System With Lawsuits Against The Administration

The Hill

State attorneys general have filed an unprecedented number of lawsuits against the Trump administration, as Democratic-led states exercise new levers of power to block some of President Trump ’s most controversial initiatives.

States have formed coalitions to file 103 multi-state suits against the administration in its first three years, according to data compiled by Paul Nolette, a political scientist at Marquette University. The vast majority of those suits, 96, have been led by Democratic attorneys general.

By contrast, states filed 78 multi-state suits in the eight years of President Obama’s administration, and 76 multi-state suits during President George W. Bush’s eight years in office. Democratic attorneys general sued Trump 40 times in his first year in office alone, more lawsuits than have ever been filed against an administration in a single year. More

9 Comments on Blue States Clog Up Court System With Lawsuits Against The Administration

  1. The only way to solve this problem is for the House of Representatives to bring Articles of Impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. He has earned another trial in the US Senate. If everybody gets busy, this can easily be accomplished before the next election. This time, it will be all about his interference in the Roger Stone case and the assassination of that Iranian Diplomat in Baghdad. Oh yeah, presenting Rush Limbaugh with that Medal during the State of the Union address, and nominating Britt Kavanagh to the Supreme Court. Any takers?


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