Board Blocking Musk Purchase of Twitter Own Virtually No Stock in the Company – IOTW Report

Board Blocking Musk Purchase of Twitter Own Virtually No Stock in the Company


In the ongoing public battle over Twitter as a speech platform, one actual user of Twitter, Chris Bakke, wanted to see who exactly these Board of Directors are, who are attempting to stop Elon Musk from purchasing it.

Chris Bakke then noted how little of the actual stock is owned by the company’s Board of Directors.  Sans Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey, the combined ownership of the entire board equates to 77 shares of stock, worth around $3,200 bucks.

The Board of Directors [SEE BoD LINK HERE] consists of academics, tech executives, business and policy wonks, and a random baroness who doesn’t even use the service.  These are the people who are making fiduciary decisions for all Twitter stock owners without any financial stake in the decisions they make for the company.

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ht/ atm

12 Comments on Board Blocking Musk Purchase of Twitter Own Virtually No Stock in the Company

  1. Everyone here knows that the board acts not out of fiduciary responsibility, but rather, ideological motivation – which will come back to bite them in the ass when Musk and other purely investor shareholders sue them for breach of their fiduciary responsibility.

  2. Vanguard is supposed to be investing for profit, not to dilute share value & drive the stock price down. This could lead to a problem for them among their own fund investors.

  3. believable

    also from somewhere else, but somewhat related:
    “The SEC announced this week that Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, has been named Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement.”
    That was last year, but I believe she is still there. Let’s see- aren’t Musk and hunter possibly going to be investigated by the sec?
    our country is corrupt

  4. A different possibility:

    Gains Offset losses.
    He has admitted to paying Huge amounts of tax on his share cashouts at Tesla. (Re called out Lizzy Warren the Honkie Indian)
    Within this Tax year if he sells Twattor & looses he offsets.
    If he gains, Great.
    If he just acts as an activist investor & clearly demonstrates mis management due to Corporate policy (Censoring a rofitable community) he still wins.

    I have no Idea, but he sure saved the USA Space Program & Satellite capability.

    Believe me, he calculated both sides & I’m sure the board has not.

  5. If Elon were serious, 46 billion dollars (even this, the current day, Federal Reserve “dollars”) could equip what size Azov American battalion?

    If Elon were serious?

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