Boat Launched 27 Years Ago Found Washed Up On Remote Beach, Relaunched To Continue Journey – IOTW Report

Boat Launched 27 Years Ago Found Washed Up On Remote Beach, Relaunched To Continue Journey

When I was a grade-schooler, our teachers would occasionally show a film in the afternoon, until the school buses arrived. I think they saved them for those days January when it was -20 degrees outside. Usually it’d be an industrial film. While learning about steel making and cooled rolling hot metal was interesting, occasionally they’d show something with a bit of adventure. One such film was Canadian made “Paddle to the Sea” which I still remember to this day.

I reminisce about this short because a similar attempt was made by a classroom of school kids in Duluth back in 1993. It’s relevant today because their vessel was found, about 50 miles from its starting place, and relaunched back out on to Lake Superior this last fall. The little boat still has about 2,500 miles before finding the sea however. Too bad no one thought to put some kind of satellite tracker on the thing. Here

12 Comments on Boat Launched 27 Years Ago Found Washed Up On Remote Beach, Relaunched To Continue Journey

  1. Dr. Tar, thank you for providing that link!! I too have reminisced about the film. Usually around spring during the thaw. Don’t think I’d ever known the name it though. Again thank you!!

  2. I also saw “Paddle to the Sea” as a kid. It was supposed to be inspiring, but God only knows how many pieces of floating garbage that movie caused to be dumped into various waterways.


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