Bob Iger Back in Charge of the Magic Kingdom – IOTW Report

Bob Iger Back in Charge of the Magic Kingdom


Disney CEO Bob Chapek went woke. Now he’s broke.

In a statement on Sunday, Susan Arnold, chairman of Disney’s Board of Directors, announced Chapek has stepped down from his position as head of the company and former CEO Bob Iger would be returning from retirement to take back the reins of power. More

15 Comments on Bob Iger Back in Charge of the Magic Kingdom

  1. Don’t care who leads the Pedo Kingdom. It will still continue to be the Pedo Kingdom.
    I consider him to be the leader who started the downfall when he allowed the hiring of foreign workers to replace the local HS & teen workers in Disneyland.

  2. @RADIOATIONMAN/HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB/VHF/UHF: Every where you look at Disneyland, there’s something occult in view. Walt did have some underlying occult leanings. Many of his films were family oriented, I don’t know exactly when the dark side showed up, but it’s gone full blown satanic/pedo/gay. Parents are seeing it and don’t want their children exposed to it. Good on them. So, Disney went woke and going broke. Good will win out in the end.

  3. Have you heard this term, Disnerd? I hadn’t either, it’s my newly learned word of the day. Well, not sure it’s really a word, but it’s how everyone I despise talks these days, in a language that’s incomprehensible.

    Anyway, these Disnerds do all the Disney stuff. Have all the DVDs, clothes, play characters and visit the theme parks regularly. Like a frickin cult.

    Oh, did I also mention they are 20, 30, and 40 years old?



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