Bobby Kennedy and the Golden Age of Deep State Democrats – IOTW Report

Bobby Kennedy and the Golden Age of Deep State Democrats

Howie Carr’s column today provides an honest assessment of  the 3rd Kennedy brother, Robert, not as the left would want to canonize him, but as the creep he was in real life. Let’s face it, just being one of Joe Kennedy’s kids means there’s plenty of sins committed by Saint Bobby of Hyannis Port.

This Wednesday being the 50th anniversary of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination means we’re going to be subjected to full court press by the lickspittle media. Carr’s revelations are the antidote to get you over that hump. More 

BTW: Yesterday was the 91st birthday of one of the many women used and tossed aside by the Brothers Kennedy. Her candle still burning brightly in the wind. Here

16 Comments on Bobby Kennedy and the Golden Age of Deep State Democrats

  1. G. Gordon Liddy years ago on his radio program {I was a junkie} related some stories back when he was in the FBI working in the midwest. He and another agent were assigned to Bobby Kennedy for some grin and grip affair. He related how Bobby had demanded a certain model and color of car for the trip. They found an auto that they thought was close and when they arrived to pick up the ingrate they endured a blistering scream fest of insults and degrading slurs. Liddy had worked around him previously and said this was typical. He was an egotistical bastard that berated anyone working under him. Needless to say Liddy really hated him and delivered a scathing barrage of insults that had me choking with laughter.

  2. American royalty. RFK was an opportunistic rat. Eugene McCarthy was the first Democrat to speak out against President Lyndon B. Johnson and mess he had made of the Vietnam War. People who knew Bobby Kennedy well were convinced that he would have reverted to his family’s underhanded methods to get his way if he had gotten elected. Now, we get to endlessly hear from his equally dishonest sons what a paragon of virtue he was. Marilyn Monroe was just one among many women used and discarded by the Kennedy men, including one who hanged herself over her husband’s behavior. American royalty indeed.

  3. Do a little research on royal families throughout history and many of them were not worthy of being held in high esteem. Besides I like to think we did away with that crap concept in 1776. But.. Royal families in the past were heads of governments, today we call them politicians, and I don’t think very highly of most of them. A few but not many. Scum grifters in high places we have with us always, we just change the label we give them from time to time.

    As a result I no longer get PO’d when I hear someone called American Royalty. Viewing, with a smile, the label instead as a clever insult, that they fail to realize for what it really is.

  4. Feeding false narratives, creating a myth, elevating the Kennedys to sainthood in Camelot, to perpetuate a failed forgotten democrat brand.

    The deep state establishment took care of the problems.

  5. ” LIES!!!!! Arrest Howie Carr NOW!!!!! ”

    Hi Larry, would you care to show us your evidence? I guess you have none. Then shut up and go away from this site.

  6. Geoff: Joseph Kennedy, Junior was considered to be the “Lost Prince” of the Kennedy Family. He was raised by his father to become the first Catholic President of the United States. From what I have read, he really was the best of the lot, but he was also had some of his father’s character traits. His death over England during WWII, occurred on a very dangerous mission that he volunteered to fly. It was in a B24 Liberator loaded with explosives that was going to be radio guided into a German installation. He was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Before the war, he had toured Germany, and expressed admiration for some of Hitler’s policies. His detractors believed that he volunteered for this mission in order to get some medals for his post war resume when he planned to run for Congress.

  7. “…His detractors believed that he volunteered for this mission in order to get some medals for his post war resume when he planned to run for Congress.”

    So…kinda like John Kerry…


  8. I’m not inclined to defend the actions of any Kennedy. But in Joe jr.’s defense, if indeed his plan was to earn a few war metals to advance a later political run. I think you will find Winston Churchill did the same.


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