Bobby Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Big Pharma Needs The Vaccine To Be Approved For Kids – IOTW Report

Bobby Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Big Pharma Needs The Vaccine To Be Approved For Kids

This is evil.

ht/ kpark

16 Comments on Bobby Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Big Pharma Needs The Vaccine To Be Approved For Kids

  1. If anyone wants to take up the conversation wherein they have taken exception to me labeling the individuals behind this as Satanic. This right here might help them to understand my conclusion.

  2. There is NOTHING anyone behind this whole diabolical fake vaccine nonsense is not capable of. NOTHING. When I have posted that if you think you can recognize the depths of depravity followers of the progressive agenda are capable of, you still don’t get it. There is NOTHING they are not capable of. Their capacity for wickedness and evil actions is infinite. There is NO limit to what they are capable of.

  3. Bingeaux, I’m waiting for the experts and fact-checkers to swarm in and tell me why he’s wrong. And censoring him or ad hominem attacks against him don’t count. You have some counter-argument you want to present, step up. I’m listening.

  4. Thanks for responding, Bingeaux. The government may”cover” vaccine liability as your link says, but HRSA does so mostly by not paying out compensation when it is applied for. And if Pfizer can get its Covid jab on the government’s Childhood Vaccination Schedule, they’ll be on the gravy train rolling down easy street forever, even if the pandemic is declared to be over.

    Comirnaty and Biontech EUA are exactly the same chemically, but for some reason, they have been declared “legally distinct” by Pfizer. Pfizer tells us that the differences between the two are in the accompanying paperwork and some manufacturing locations, but those don’t sound like legal distinctions to me. To me, a “legal distinction” would be something more like liability.

    You seem to say that there is no legal distinction in that regard, because pharmas have had blanket immunity for decades, all of this talk of immunity is just ignorant garbage and RFKJ doesn’t know what he’s talking about or is lying. And you presented your case. Fair enough. But why are we not seeing Comirnaty being administered here, exactly how much EUA jab does Pfizer have, and why the big push to jab infants and toddlers? You have to admit, it is unseemly and creepy.

  5. That’s from 2019. My post goes to government links that are current to this fiscal quarter.

    The PREP Act is even mentioned as one of the KEY POINTS of the article. In fact….it’s the very first one.

    Not only do I follow the science, I follow the law.

    Nah, I’m just kiddin’ I just know how the laws are constructed because I took Logic and junk at skool….an evil, hellbound skoo run by merciless Jesuits.

    I have no intention of following the law.

  6. With all his self-glorifications, RFK Jr is nothing more than a loud-mouth who’s also against masking yet holds parties for his elitist and “liberal chums” as he puts it demanding that party-goers wear masks. Then he blamed his wife. Trust no Kennedy.

  7. Anonymous, none of that ad hominem has anything to do with the subject at hand. Please address RFKJ’s claims about children getting the mRNA jab, and don’t get sidetracked by RFKJ complying with the rules while simultaneously protesting them. I can tell he’s really got you Mask & Jab Karens in a swivet, but you’re not going to get anywhere with musty old links and personal attacks. Do better.


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