Bobby Piton Sees Hundreds of Thousands “Fake People” Voting In Arizona Alone – IOTW Report

Bobby Piton Sees Hundreds of Thousands “Fake People” Voting In Arizona Alone

Real Clear Politics

Bobby Piton is a managing partner of Pre-Active Investments, LLC and an investment advisor representative of Total Clarity Wealth Management. He used Arizona’s official government data to run his analysis.

After analyzing the data, he believes this is the “biggest fraud in the history of our constitutional republic is taking place right before our eyes.” He thinks there are between 120,000 and 306,000 fake people who voted in this election. Piton presented his findings and said that he would never have certified Arizona’s election results. More

13 Comments on Bobby Piton Sees Hundreds of Thousands “Fake People” Voting In Arizona Alone

  1. My question is why have observers written into election law at all? Large numbers of observers are testifying under oath that they either saw fraud being committed, or that they were illegally forced out of the voting/counting areas. So if there are no repercussions for these repeated infractions, why have them written into the law at all?

    And why even allow post-election testimony from anyone at all. Same thing. These people come forward, risk all to talk about the crimes they saw committed (or unwittingly participated in), only for it to be ignored. Why not just flip coins and call it a day?

  2. Our Mayor here in Arizona has put in marshal law starting on Friday, you can’t be out after 8pm, but if you are homeless, no worries.
    We are working on recalling her and I bet she is retaliating, it’s not about Covid it’s about control. 🤬

    Governor Douchebag were coming for you next. 😉

  3. The fact that twitter banned him for something unrelated to twitter tells you everything about how spot on he was in his discovery. Communist democrats are censoring news feeds including twitter.

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