Bobulinski holds presser – DEVASTATING EVIDENCE AGAINST THE BIDENS – He has the goods – IOTW Report

Bobulinski holds presser – DEVASTATING EVIDENCE AGAINST THE BIDENS – He has the goods

The Bidens should be done—

42 Comments on Bobulinski holds presser – DEVASTATING EVIDENCE AGAINST THE BIDENS – He has the goods

  1. And suddenly all the people who grabbed hold of the Trump called veterans losers and suckers BS will drop all pretense and start slandering this veteran.

    And the same people who treated the UkraineGate “whistleblower” as a saint will smear and attack this whistleblower with wild abandon.

  2. Too bad the Justice Dept. is fully (I mean fully, we’re sooooo busy over here) investigating White Supremacy Right Wing Domestic Terrorists that are the ass puckering immanent danger to life as we know it on the planet.

    This shit is going exactly nowhere.

    Maybe this is what it takes to teach a lot of people at once that the rule of law really is deceased.

  3. Make no mistake… we (meaning the network of little guys who put this stuff in the ether) are the real media. The MSM hates us because they cannot keep shit under wraps any longer. I have no doubt if Biden were to win, it would only be a matter of time before we are out of business. The radical left will see that we are silenced and extinguished for good.
    Listening to Leslie Stahl turned my stomach. A “journalist” on one of the most high-powered political TV shows in the world, sat there, uninterested, only to say “it’s been debunked.”
    By the way, when I mention the little guys, I mean all of us, commenters, readers, posters, editors, content makers, satirists, aggregators… This is war. We need everyone or we are relegated to the underground and street art, like the oppressed in every other communist country.

  4. What’s being exposed right now is peanuts. The entire swamp is involved and all those overly rich politicians on both sides are in on it – money laundering of US funds given to foreign countries as “AID” was really just paola for favors. The Bidens were just the stupid, sloppy ones. Think of all that money involved in the Iraq and Afganistan wars that can’t be accounted for. President Trump is just starting to peal back the curtain.

  5. Let’s try and see how this can be described in Leslie Stahlese: Impossible to verify. Cannot be verified. Not verifiable. Not verified. Won’t be verified. Daren’t verify. Not enough time to verify. Please verify this and get back to us after the election. Verifying anything is not really possible given our political bias. Can’t verify any of this until the Covid Virus has been cured. Verify! Verify! Verify! Later! Later! Later!

  6. WOW! That took a lot of courage (balls) to get in front of millions of people and give his matter-of-fact synopsis of what went down with the Bidens and his company that he was CEO of. Humper was greedy and now that greed has come to bite him and his father on the butt. Guliani and Bannon weren’t kidding how devastating this is and 50% of the laptop hasn’t been reviewed. And just think, the ball got rolling with a guy who owned a computer repair shop. Humper was just too flippant with his intel. Crack in this case worked for the American people.

  7. @BFH – THANK.YOU.

    And to your fellow bloggers at the tip of the speer.

    We are here more or less because of THIS BIG GUY.

    Andrew Breitbart, WAR:

    I see both cold anger determination and a nod wink with a smile…and YES, a SMIRK.

    Missed DEARLY.

    BTW 0bama got seven people or something today, they fucking SUCK. They have nothing.

    DJT is about to chew their sorry asses UP.

  8. You just can’t help but think that he is only flipping because he was about to feel the same type of crushing pressure that General Flynn has refused to succumb to.

    I sincerely hope he is coming forward for reasons of honor but anyone who voluntarily associates with the Democrat Old Guard knows who they are dealing with.

    Hopefully he doesn’t Arkancide himself with a car crash or 2 bullets to the back of his head before Hunter’s Perp walk.

  9. “He is giving the phones with the evidence to the FBI. Why does that not assure me any?”

    The guy is no dummy about copies of conversations, etc. The guy has multiple copies and so does his lawyers. So does Epstein’s girlfriend. No one turning over evidence gives them everything without having your own copies as proof. Computer shop owner did the same with Humper’s hard drive.

  10. BFH,
    I agree and that’s why I stay on FB. I have FB friends that are very conservative and political, but I also have friends who are conservative but not political who often stay home and not vote. Yes, they annoy me, but I also need them to vote not only against Biden, but all Demons at every level. I even have a very small few of old time liberal friends, they also can be swayed to vote who don’t vote because they hate what their party has become.
    They all need an education on what will happen to all of us and I try to do that.

  11. I wouldn’t trust the FBI AT ALL!!!! Better wear your flack jacket 24/7 If the FBI doesn’t move in on the Biden gang, it means we’re done with finding actual justice in America.

  12. @ Golden Fox

    I would personally give the phones to the secret service. I would bet that after all the time that they have been beside Donald Trump that they would be much more loyal.

    PS. Fuck James Comey

  13. @kcir: I don’t trust either one. It’s sad that there’s no “worthy and honest” authority who can be trusted. It’s better that the public knows everything, we will demand that justice be served. I feel like I’m living in a fantasy.


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