Body Blitz Bans the Penis – IOTW Report

Body Blitz Bans the Penis

A Toronto spa that caters only to women has initiated a “no male genitals” rule that is drawing the ire of the progressive left who think the gender confused should be allowed to force themselves upon everyone, everywhere.


I wonder if Bruce Jenner will show up there and take a dump in their bathroom?



19 Comments on Body Blitz Bans the Penis

  1. ‘Male genitalia’? … this isn’t ‘Male genitalia’, it’s an outgrowth of my protest against the oppressive Male-dominated Hierarchy
    … you can pet it, if you want …
    now, move over in the pool … I’m creating my own Jacuzzi & Manspreading!

  2. Well, the dems and a lotta repubs are dickless anyway….I don’t see a problem. Seems they may at some point in this particular rabbit hole, have to admit that biology does exist.

  3. The Removeable PENIS, Can’t be Far BEHIND ! Sex With Anyone- or thing Could Be Just a Snap Away ! You’ll Get that Gym Membership You’ve been Wanting as well.

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