Boebart apologizing for these remarks – IOTW Report

Boebart apologizing for these remarks

Let me ask, if you heard there was a homicide bombing by a member of congress on the floor of the house, who would you immediately think was responsible?

apology HERE

32 Comments on Boebart apologizing for these remarks

  1. Why put yourself in a position to apologize to these people and lose credibility? This is why many people are discouraged with Trump, I love him but wish he would speak a little softer and still carry his big stick. Policy, laws, actions these are what politicians should be engaged in and Donald did his best to keep his word and make America great again. Bobert would do us a great service by working hard to do the same without creating situations for which she needs to apologize to the left.

  2. They never fucking learn. Never apologize to these people, they will use this as an admission of guilt not an act of reconciliation. She should has immediately gone on offense and made Omar defend her position on Hamas, Israel, and jihad terror.

  3. Never apologized, how about keeping your big fat mouth shut. Almost as bad as crying bomb on a plane. People in this position are supposed to be setting a example. But the child/woman wouldn’t know how if her life depended on, grow up little girl.

  4. They have labeled half the country domestic terrorists to strip citizens of their rights and allow political persecution outside of the Constitution. And they shut down any comments or joke (Gosar’s cartoon) that insinuate the same to them, the party that supports both financially and verbally the looters and thugs of America. Very dangerous time in history and hell no I wouldn’t apologize.

  5. Don’t apologize. Anyone who marries her brother to cheat the immigration system is a crook; not someone to apologize to. And to others it might also offend? Tell them to stop breaking the law, too.

  6. Not only never apologize but fucking double down. There is NOTHING you can do to satisfy these scum. You will never get them to like you so go in with the ‘tude that you’re just gonna make their day worse.

    It was a weak tea apology anyway but that doesn’t matter. Instead of “…if I’ve offended any of my moslim blahblahblah…” go with I’ll give a shit about your feelings about bomb jokes when you start condemning the slaughter of Christians STILL occurring in moslim countries.

  7. Sorry not sorry. More remarks like this, please. The leftists pols lie like rugs and hurl insults constantly. They either get a pass in the media or issue non-apologies for their lies or intemperate remarks. RINOs reach across the aisle and get humiliated or backstabbed for their effort.

    The media is going to smear Boebert and others like her no matter what she does, so might as well get the zingers in and vote hard. Omar is trash, as is the rest of the squodd, and I want to hear every bit of derision and scorn which is heaped on them.

  8. Sadly:
    “Behold I come against thee, and I will draw forth my sword out of its sheath, and will cut off in thee the just, and the wicked.”
    (Ezekiel 21:3)

    Never apologize: Never explain. Fuck the Maggots!
    Ultimately they must be dealt with.

    She could have said: “I implied she is a terrorist. It’s true – and I’m sorry.”
    (stolen from a British MP)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Anonymous NOVEMBER 27, 2021 AT 9:51 AM

    You DO NOT cry bomb nor suggest that in a fockin Government building unless you are a moron.

    Anonymous Karen has spoken.

  10. @Anonymous November 27, 2021 at 9:51 am

    > You DO NOT cry bomb nor suggest that in a fockin Government building unless you are a moron.

    Because government temples are holy places. Dedicated to the blessed. Reconsecrated after every defilement by the people.

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