Boehner ‘Alcoholic’, ‘Lazy’, ‘Banal’, ‘Louche’ – IOTW Report

Boehner ‘Alcoholic’, ‘Lazy’, ‘Banal’, ‘Louche’

Seems as if we conservatives are on the same page as Team Hillary, re. John Boehner’s principles, morals, and skill set– if a just-released 2011 e-mail from one of the Clintons’ closest advisors is anything to go by.
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boehner drunk

13 Comments on Boehner ‘Alcoholic’, ‘Lazy’, ‘Banal’, ‘Louche’

  1. The Clintons on the other hand are an aggressive threat in Obama’s eyes- one that isn’t bending to his will, so thus one to be destroyed. This has got to be the first time I’ve ever rooted for Obama in anything, but the Dems have got a weak, weak 2016 bench.

    I’d like to think that Hillary will be sunk by a thorough honest investigation into her affairs, not as a result of dirty tricks and blackmail by BHO’s administration. I can’t root for BHO under any circumstance. He is evil with no boundaries. I think he and his circle are even worse than the Clintons, and that saying something.

  2. Congratulations John and you too Mitch. You did hear what Mitch said about defunding PP, was that today or yesterday? Anyway these two guys are going to accomplish a feat unprecedented in American history. These two guys are going the destroy the GOPe, and for that we should all be thankful.

  3. I keep waiting for the Pig in a Pants Suit to launch her counteroffensive on Obongo. Once it starts I plan on popping some corn, getting some cold Shiner Bocks in the cooler, laughing my mofo ass off and enjoying the show.

  4. Who would have guessed? Three packs of cigs. a day, perpetual hang dog look, ready to cry at the drop of a hat and giving Obama everything he wants because he can’t remember what he did yesterday let alone 15-20 years ago. No wonder he is Obama’s lackey. Too many skeletons in the closet.

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