Boehner Rips Biden For Having ‘Caved To The Left…Sacrificed Any Chance Of Bipartisanship’ – IOTW Report

Boehner Rips Biden For Having ‘Caved To The Left…Sacrificed Any Chance Of Bipartisanship’

Bitch, really??? Shut your cave hole.


Former House Speaker John Boehner went on Fox News on Fox News on Tuesday to rip into the “traditional Democrat” Joe Biden, saying that he “has caved to the left” and “sacrificed any chance of bipartisanship.”

While appearing on “America’s Newsroom,” Boehner warned that Biden “is being taken over by the left-wing progressives.”

“[I]’ve been a little bit surprised over the last few months because I listened to everything that Joe Biden said during the campaign about changing the tone in Washington, working in a bipartisan manner, but he’s stuck,” Boehner said. “He is a traditional Democrat, and the party is being taken over by the left-wing progressives of the Democrat Party. And over those first few months of his administration, he has caved to the left … and as a result, he has sacrificed any chance of bipartisanship. And so this is going to play out in a bigger way in the coming months. I’m kind of anxious to see the break-out of the war going in the Democrat Party.” more

WTF is that hanging behind him?

20 Comments on Boehner Rips Biden For Having ‘Caved To The Left…Sacrificed Any Chance Of Bipartisanship’

  1. WTF is that hanging behind him?
    It’s art – representing thousands of sperm attacking an egg cell.
    He probably spent tens of thousands of taxpayer and donor dollars on it.

  2. Biden “is being taken

    Dumbass, he already was taken over. That’s why he was selected.

    Him making this statement just shows you he’s deep in the pockets of the state.

  3. “[I]’ve been a little bit surprised over the last few months because I listened to everything that Joe Biden said during the campaign …”

    Did you listen to him repeat the “fine people” lie every time he stepped out of his basement? Did you listen when he said he didn’t have to tell you whether or not he was going to pack the Supreme Court? Did you listen when he said he wanted a national mask mandate? No? Enjoy your Uniparty and the feeble, old liar you backed for President, asshole.

  4. Ollie nailed it.

    It’s a Jeff Chihuli work of fart. Chihuli is Far Left. His weird glass pieces often break during the manufacturing process. It was one of those incidents that took out one of his eyes. Dumbshit was not wearing safety goggles.

    Anyone who ever meets him should offer him a glass of SHARD-onnay

  5. Mansfield Lovell
    APRIL 15, 2021 AT 10:39 AM
    “OR they should tell him Pirate Jokes.

    Lots and lots of Pirate Jokes”

    …or, he can use it for a new profession well-suited to a Commie…

    …a guy was looking for a hooker but he was very short on funds. He discussed his dilemma with the madam of the seediest brothel in town, who arrived at a proposal for him.

    …”the only thing you can get for that price is I’ll have Jeff give you a wink job”, she said.

    “I can’t have a woman?” he asked.

    “No, not at that price. Jeff used to be an artist though, so he’s pretty effeminate”.

    “Well, what’s a wink job, then?”, he asked.

    “The only sex you’re getting for that money. Do you want it or not?” she said.

    …well, he took it, but wasn’t sure, and was worried when he saw Jeff’s skinny old pasty, doughy body and man bun.

    He was mad for sex though, so he said, “Give me a wink job”.

    Without further discussion Jeff then popped a fake eye out, unceremoniously dropped his head into his lap with his joint in her eye socket, then winked furiously until he climaxed.

    He couldn’t belive how good he was, and as he left, told him he’d be back as soon as he got more money.

    Holding his glass eye facing forward next to his still-dripping eye socket, he called back, “I’ll keep an eye out for you!”

  6. Boehner, the original “cave” man. Every GOP leader of the house since him have caved and undermined the GOP voters and President Trump.
    Don’t forget the Bush’s and their intended destruction of GOP Conservatives.

  7. John’s missing his RINO friends and wants political drinking buddy’s again. as for the dangling mess hanging behind him it’s called “the mind of the drunk”- a confused mess or the crybabies tornado.


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