Boeing insider explains how ‘DEI has undermined company culture and degraded performance’ – IOTW Report

Boeing insider explains how ‘DEI has undermined company culture and degraded performance’

Sara carter

The Boeing industry has been deteriorating and one company insider is certain the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies are to blame. Journalist Chris Rufo published his interview with a company insider who unambiguously declared while some companies can get away with hiring workers based on DEI principles, such as tech companies, by paying diverse applicants more to ensure quality, “this can be catastrophic in lower-margin or legacy companies,” like Boeing.

The unnamed insider said in the interview, “You are playing musical chairs, and if you do the same things that Google is doing, you are going to end up with the bottom 20% of the preferred population.” Therefore, safety issues are the result of the company prioritizing hiring employees based on DEI policies and not on qualifications, leading to quality issues that have endangered lives and hurt the company, according to City Journal. more

32 Comments on Boeing insider explains how ‘DEI has undermined company culture and degraded performance’

  1. “DEI is the drop you put in the bucket, and the whole bucket changes.”

    …let me rephrase that to show what he REALLY means, but is too polite to say.

    If you take a barrel of sewage and put a drop of the finest wine in it, you have sewage

    But if you put a drop of sewage in a barrel of the finest wine, you STILL have sewage.

    …he doesn’t want to go there, I’m guessing, because everyone will scream that he’s calling DEI hires “sewage” so they can obliterate and ignore his actual point.

    But everyone forced to drink from the barrel still knows very well that its sewage, no matter what the vintage.

    And that’s what will destroy us all.

    Poisoning ourselves drinking sewage while still trying to pretend it is wine.

  2. “…paying diverse applicants more to ensure quality…”

    …because SCREW the 14th Amendment and every anti-discrimination law when its Whitey being discriminated against, amirite?

  3. Remember as you are flying DEI Boeing; only 12 % of blacks who finish high school are proficient in 12 grade math (defined as being able to calculate ratios). Colleges are allowing the unqualified to enroll in stem programs and graduating them because of DEI, and Boeing hires them.

  4. Wylie1
    SUNDAY, 7 APRIL 2024, 9:08 AT 9:08 AM
    “Was DEI an intentional act of industrial sabotage?”

    …I think it was an INTERNATIONAL (Globalist) act of industrial sabotage.

  5. The progressive movement exists to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is a Satanic death cult and the Republican establishment is just as invested in it as is the Democrat Party. Their protestations and faux opposition are nothing but their part in a shameless production.

  6. want more holes in your ass?
    SUNDAY, 7 APRIL 2024, 10:12 AT 10:12 AM
    “don’t use dei products or services”

    There won’t be any other kind for you peasants when we’re done.

    But if you’re White don’t worry. We’re not going to let YOU do anything but starve, so you’re not getting any products anyway.

  7. I saw 2 companies that I worked for go under because of diversity. They promoted people that were not qualified into positions of middle and upper management.

  8. Equality in outcomes drags everyone down to the lowest level of suck. Sadly there are a lot of people that just aren’t worth a shit, mostly by their own doing.

  9. “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
    Revelation 13:16-17

  10. @ geoff the aardvark SUNDAY, 7 APRIL 2024, 10:02 AT 10:02 AM

    If you concede that they are engaged in an elusive pursuit of equity and fairness you are falling into their demand that you concede good intentions to individuals who have no capacity for such. That is just a way to have anyone who opposes them start a couple laps back. Envy and resentment rule the lives of ALL progressives, no one can be controlled by envy and resentment, yet pursue equity and fairness as defined by DEI. They are antithetical and cannot be reconciled.

    And you bet your ass I include establishment Republicans among them. They are the absolute worst element on the political scene. They not only are immoral, they know it and lie about it to further their aspirations to power.

  11. Whatever happened to merit? Merit rules, DEI drools and is for fools. If I as a plane captain 50 years ago when I was in the Navy had to operate under DEI rules our planes would’ve never got off the ground and we would’ve had a squadron of hangar queens. Maybe that’s the entire point to entirely wreck everything in order to make everything equally worthless and suck.

  12. If DEI had prevailed in the early 1960’s we would’ve never put a man on the moon by 1969. Meritocracy rules, diversity and mediocrity drools. It’s as if no one is allowed to dream big anymore but has to be forced to dream small and insignificant in order to make everything and everyone virtually the same and serfs to the dystopic state. The left is demonic and the RINO’s are just as complicit in their hatred of all that is good.


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