Boeing Whistleblower Told Friend, “Don’t Believe I Committed Suicide” – IOTW Report

Boeing Whistleblower Told Friend, “Don’t Believe I Committed Suicide”

13 Comments on Boeing Whistleblower Told Friend, “Don’t Believe I Committed Suicide”

  1. I really need to get from Virginia to Nevada because my sister just lost her husband. But I am
    terrified to get on a plane. I’ve always been a nervous flyer but boarding Air DEI is not going to happen.

  2. Sad indeed! RIP John. @ PHenry Friday, 15 March 2024, 16:40 at 4:40 pm, Yeah Brother, Though I have never been a nervous flyer, I refuse to deal with tsa! I drive out to Colorado every year to visit my Sons and their families.

  3. I very rarely fly anymore. It has occurred to me that DIE dovetails beautifully with the communist agenda. They don’t want the proletariat flying. Putting unqualified people in positions they don’t have the intellect for is beginning to keep people from getting on airplanes. Landing gear falling off, door plugs blowing out, massive fuel leaks, it’s all good stuff when you make the rules and fly private or on the taxpayers dime with mechanics and ground support that are at the top of their game.

    Good does not always triumph over evil.

  4. Whoever pulled off the “suicide” are an extremely brazen bunch. They must believe they can get away with any crime, like the Cosa Nostra/Mafia/Murder Inc.

    Someone gets bumped off just before testifying, and the media calls it suicide and thinks we’re all going to fall for it. The only whistleblowers the media likes are the ones who make false statements about Trump.

    Whoever did the job likely have the backing of very powerful organizations or people. That seems so obvious it hardly needs to be said. But what organizations and what people? I doubt we’ll ever find out for sure. The big coverup is on.

  5. Not only is shit like this happening-’s this, the 6th incident in the past couple weeks? That was reported.

    It’s overlaid on a backdrop of 10s of 1,000s of airline mandatory vaxxing and woke/DEI BS.

    I can’t see me getting on a plane again


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