Bologna In the Basement Brigade – IOTW Report

Bologna In the Basement Brigade


I guess Trump won’t be forcefully taken out of the white house by the “bologna in the basement brigade,” or, as they preferred to be called, ANTIFA.

This was AUSTIN, a mecca of progressivism.


11 Comments on Bologna In the Basement Brigade

  1. Now I get why they wear the masks.
    They are deathly afraid of their mothers showing up and beatin’ their ass on national TV, like that black kid’s mom did during the riots.

  2. PHenry
    Someone linked that church’s services from youtube from last week. Lilly white, rural Texas. I’m anxiously waiting. They killed the shooter. So it shouldn’t be long.

  3. according to wiki Sutherland Springs has only 326 people in it
    … & the Town Councilman that CNN interviewed was definitely Hispanic w/ a heavy Spanish accent

  4. Glad to see this shooter was dealt with appropriately. No perp in a mass casualty event should ever survive inflicting harm and death to others. The muzzy scum in New York should have been dealt the same hand!

  5. Ha-ha-ha. They probably didn’t show up because they found out at the last minute that they weren’t going to be paid.
    That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

  6. Antifa is now officially a joke.

    Hardest hit: the MSM, who invested so much valuable free airtime into promoting this paper tiger into ” the authentic Voice of the Resistance “.

    This is not their first fizzled no-show.

    They were supposed to be Obama’s Secret Army. Part Brownshirts, part KGB, part Revolutionary Guards.
    But Trump’s Election removed their WH sponsorship and protection.

    The moment the first local police department required them to unmask, they were finished.

    They’ll still have name recognition, and they’ll troll the comment sites from their basements.

    But they’re as finished and over as Der HitlerJugend.

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