Bombing Suspect IDENTIFIED – He’s A Terrorist! – IOTW Report

Bombing Suspect IDENTIFIED – He’s A Terrorist!

American Pigeon-

Two people were arrested today after reportedly setting off explosive devices in downtown Asheville, North Carolina, with one bomber appearing to be an anarchist ‘furry.’ On July 4, the Asheville Police Department (APD) reported that its bomb squad was responding to an incident of an exploded IED at Park Square.

The suspects arrested have been identified as Chioke Auden Fugate, 23, and Duncan Andrew Small, 30. APD said that they have been arrested for igniting “improvised explosive devices at Pack Square at the site of the former Vance Monument as spectators were departing the July 4th Independence Day Celebration.”

APD says that witnesses claim to have overheard Small say he was going to blow up what remained of the monument, created in 1898 to memorialize former North Carolina Governor Zebulon Baird Vance. The monument was removed in May 2021 as part of an ongoing project to tear down any statues relating to the Civil War, racism, or the nation’s founding, notably beginning during the so-called “Summer of Love” riots of 2020.


14 Comments on Bombing Suspect IDENTIFIED – He’s A Terrorist!

  1. These young guys who are committing these crimes all seem to look like they’re inbred.
    Just because he posted video of himself shooting guns means nothing.
    What he says is more important.
    When these messed up people spout the greatness of Communism or anarchy, that’s a problem.
    He was probably on heavy meds too.

  2. “The monument was removed in May 2021 as part of an ongoing project to tear down any statues relating to the Civil War, racism, or the nation’s founding …”

    I assume that the monument was removed on the orders of the local “authorities?”
    So, they’re feeding “anarchy” and the destruction of their heritage?
    Why, then, arrest the mental defectives who are only following their directives?

    “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”
    (some dead white dude)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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  4. “The monument was removed in May 2021 as part of an ongoing project to tear down any statues relating to the Civil War, racism, or the nation’s founding …”


    “The monument was removed in July 2022 as part of an ongoing project to tear down any statues relating to the NWO, racism, population control, climate change, and a monument to the devil …”

  5. Asheville, NC is the liberal shithole of western NC. The eastern part has several liberal shitholes. Bomb them all. I grew up in the foothills and it pains me greatly that these violent liberal leeches are taking over my home state.

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