Bombing Suspect in Custody (video) – IOTW Report

Bombing Suspect in Custody (video)

Pamela Geller states, after the police shootout, that this is “war in the streets.”

Of course, she is absolutely right.


31 Comments on Bombing Suspect in Custody (video)

  1. Great Police work. Well done. Bravo! Now turn the bastard over to the Military to be tried by a Military Tribunal for war crimes. No pussyfooting around with bleeding-heart lawyers and judges who, for the most part, were raised in glass houses.

  2. You mean his name isn’t Yoder?

    Great police work.
    IOTWRers please, if you don’t already, get a gun. Go to the range, learn to shoot, practice, carry. PSA for the day.

  3. I’m sure the FBI wanted this guy taken alive so they could interrogate him. I doubt if they get anything out of him unless they bring back waterboarding. This will end up being a waste of tax payer money. They should have ended him.

  4. Jeez Brad, you beat me by “that much”.
    Waterboarding, pigs blood, dirty panties, dogs, whatever it takes.
    They come here and upset our civilization, I say we welcome them in kind.
    Cop should have saved the city a lot of money.
    Empty the “clip”.

  5. I agree with Bad Brad. Who would say it was a bad kill if they had taken this piece of shit out for good. To wound, to hospitalize, to debrief by the FLiBI, to pay for a mock trial, and have some Liberal flatfoot two bit queer in a black dress release him to do it all over again SCREAMS ENOUGH PC> Kill the mofos and kill them dead the first time.

  6. “Ahmad! Avast matey! Ye AARGH under arrest fer bein’ a terr-aaargh-ist. We’ll be putting yon braces on ye and transporting ye to ye Olde Gaol”

  7. Sure the FBI will interrogate him just like they did with Hillary.

    After screwing lady justice, the dipshits at the FBI need to do something to at least give the appearance of professionalism, integrity and justice.

    Just maybe this time they’ll do a real investigation, ask “real” questions regarding the crime and record his responses.

    No faith in the FBI.

  8. Ahoy mateys! Check out the Yelp reviews of this Mohammedan Savage’s restaurant.

    But ye better hurry up, cuz the Yelp scalawags are “cleaning up” (CENSORING) the reviews on this restaurant “because it’s been in the news”. But never fear, Mansfield is here! I took a screenshot of me review and saved it to me harddrive. They can try to BleachBit my shit all they want.

    I shall send me review to BFH and ask him to post the screenshot.

  9. Colt.44…bet thats on Barky’s orders…he sees a good rumphumper in that one. To hell with terrorism…any muslims sexy enough (male equipped) are Barky’s prom dates. The FBI is in his pants pocket and jacks Barky Hussein on cue. Audit by internal affairs the entire force and shitcan the guilty. Start over. No more “we wuz jess followin orders boss.” Next, go after the Dept of Justice. That organization needs to be tossed out. These career lawyers and DAs need to be triple checked for leftism. Then sweep in on the family terror cell cafe. Shut it down and deport the mom and pop to Kenya. They can be Barky’s cooks.

  10. This is entirely the fault of the Democrat party:

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (H.R. 2580; Pub.L. 89–236, 79 Stat. 911, enacted June 30, 1968), also known as the Hart–Celler Act – and Immigration Act of 1990 – made muslim terrorism in the United States inevitable.

    The Democrat party in its entirety is our Merkel: traitors conspiring to destroy us and our nation, by importing millions of terrorists.

    The proponents of the Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [from Wikipedia article]

    We now know with absolute certainty that this was a lie, as demonstrated by the last 50 years of history and the reality we now live in.

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