Book that teaches kids how to conjure demons hits major retailers’ shelves – IOTW Report

Book that teaches kids how to conjure demons hits major retailers’ shelves


A new book inviting young children to learn how to summon demons is now available at Walmart, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

 A new book inviting young children to learn how to summon demons is now available at major retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.  

Written for 5- to 10-year-olds, A Children’s Book of Demons by Aaron Leighton directs kids to “conjure gentle demons by writing their sigils, which serve as ‘a phone number’ straight to the spirit.” 

“As ridiculous as the ‘demons’ contained in the book may be, there is nothing innocent or fun about even pretending to summon evil spirits,” noted Elizabeth Johnston, AKA  Activist Mommy, on her blog. “But who is to say it is pretend? The spirit world is real and is no laughing matter.”

“Leighton, an occultist himself, is clearly looking to proselytize our children,” asserted Johnston.


22 Comments on Book that teaches kids how to conjure demons hits major retailers’ shelves

  1. God help any child who has a parent careless and foolish enough to get them such a book.

    This is spine chilling and scary evil shit. Even most non Christians know not to mess around with demonic issues or spiritual contact. What the hell.

    The ‘author’ deserves to be banned from book publishing. This is massively harmful.

  2. Tried the book. Absolute fluff and nonsense. Couldn’t summon a noxious fart. Having a few captive demons from the pit of hell and a round half dozen hell hounds on short leash, I know of what I speak.

    You straights however, keep throwing that salt over your shoulder. Leave this shit alone. You don’t know what you’re doing.

  3. As soon as formerly verboten topics are openly brought up in public discussion, people begin to be inured to them. It is one big reason why leftists bring up every kind of disgusting topic.

    They are trying to condition us to accept the unacceptable.

  4. How to conjurer demons? Vote Democrat.

    To be sure the spirit world is real. Just one Democrat giving the majority to Nancy can do more spiritual damage to the nation because it normalizes everything the Democrats stand for from Child Sacrifice to the murdering of Jews to the destruction of the family than 10,000 kids trying to conjure Baal in their bedrooms to either smite their parents for being grounded or to get back at some bully at school.

    It is a sign of the times that we, as a society, are becoming more crass and more blasphemous in our approach to the divine. Just another by design gift from the left.

  5. Ouiji boards have been around for many years.
    We kids had one back in the 50’s.
    Knowing what I know now I won’t use one or play with
    the crap that can open strange doors for any reason.

  6. John, remember Kreskins ESP from about 50 years ago? It was a pendulum that would swing over letters or numbers. I used that to make my entry in guessing the amount of money in a coin bank. It gave me the EXACT answer and I won everything in the bank instead of just 5 dollars for being closest. That was the last time I opened the box.


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