Boptism – IOTW Report


Not sure I understand what is going on.

Will the more learned and devout step forward and give me a clue.

Thank you.

18 Comments on Boptism

  1. Checking for wigs?

    In days of old, they used to take a young boy by the feet and bounce his head off of the property boundary marker stones. They did this with the boy who was chosen to remember where the markers were. Logic must have been that the bump on the head would help him remember.
    Could be they no longer use that method because they found the opposite to be true.

  2. That’s just good old Father Ruffhouse at Our Blessed Lady of Perpetual Noogies and Melvins. When he tells them to eat the Jesus cookie and believe it’s Him, they don’t give the padre no lip or they get what for. He once burned a kid alive for farting during mass, just like in the good old days.

  3. At Confirmation, the Bishop used to slap boys up the side a’ the head to remind them that they were now men. When my turn came the Bishop merely patted me on the cheek. (No, my face, wiseass! ) This priest seems to have come up with something new, a hair pull or a kick in the arse. Novel.

  4. Interestingly enough, on the internet this priest appears to be accused of violently beating and kicking these children. Not so.

    To me this appears to be affectionate. Individuals line up quit willingly.

    Is this a symbolic freeing a person from Satan or in dwelling evil spirits?

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