Border Rancher: ” … we’re tired of it. We need that wall. ” – IOTW Report

Border Rancher: ” … we’re tired of it. We need that wall. ”

WATCH: Co-host Steve Doocy asked Escobar what he would say to Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi about her claim that the wall is immoral and Escobar said he’d draw on life experience and tell her to start building.

“I’d say ma’am, I don’t know where you get your facts but from what we have endured, my lifetime, which is about 75 years now, of seeing the number of illegals coming across here, trampling over our fences, the drug dealers tearing down our gates, that is immoral,” he replied. “And we’re tired of it. We need that wall.”

9 Comments on Border Rancher: ” … we’re tired of it. We need that wall. ”

  1. If I had just a touch more money in the bank I’d volunteer for a months sniper gig. Providing BIG FUR HAT joins me. Camp fires, S’mores, cold nights. Wait what? We could bond. LOL

  2. Hell Brad, if we were deputized and we’re allowed to enforce the Castle Doctrine on our border I would sign up right now. In fact, I’ll pay for the opportunity to defend the border. This is one reason I believe the wall needs slats in it so we can see what’s happening on the other side. As far as I’m concerned anyone even touching the wall is fair game.

  3. joe6pak
    I know people that know people. And other people know them. And Visa Versa. What was my point here? Oh yea. That Rat Bastard Mex Criminal element will have better equipment than us. That’s no shit. But i’m good. Let’s do it.

  4. No doubt the cartels are an army. But if you give us the go ahead to help protect our country and border, we will mobilize like no one has ever seen. It would be ugly for a short time.

  5. You know what, I’m getting frustrated with Trump taking the high road on this shit. He has now conceded there will be no SOTU speech until Pelosi says he can have the House as the stage. WTF!! Why has he not made the FISA documents public? Put the cards on the table and play the hand. Who cares who’s feelings get hurt, they are the bad guys! We are not going to win this war by being a gentleman and respecting the procedures that our enemies are trying to jam down our throats! I’m getting pissed off!!


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