Border Wall Would Pay For Itself By Cutting Welfare Use By Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Border Wall Would Pay For Itself By Cutting Welfare Use By Illegal Immigrants

DC: President Donald Trump has repeatedly said Mexico would foot the bill for his proposed wall along the southwest border, but the barrier could end up paying for itself by saving the U.S. treasury billions in welfare payments.

Estimates for building a solid physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border range from $18 to $25 billion, depending on the type and distance of the wall. Once constructed, though, the barrier would save several times that amount by reducing the number of illegal border crossers who end up on welfare rolls, according to Steven Camarota, the research director at the Center for Immigration Studies.  read more

17 Comments on Border Wall Would Pay For Itself By Cutting Welfare Use By Illegal Immigrants

  1. Unreported and under analyzed is the cost of psycho wards that are reopening north of the border in a triggered response to a wall that otherwise would have no effect if a democrat done it. The entire core media is going to require physical restraint, drugs, padded rooms, transportation, endless observation, not to mention the millions of impressionable that follow in their footsteps.

    The cost of those wards is the downside, the upside is they finally found a home for a sweet ending.


  2. Just the cost of dealing with illegal drugs in our country will begin to ebb. From the cost of laws, enforcement, detention, courts, public defenders, loss of life and productivity and their effect on families/children (and all the ripple costs associated with those), imprisonment, to parole, and on and on and on it goes. How much do all those things cost? It’s almost impossible to measure, but it’s a disproportional burden to the U.S. based on where the drugs are coming from.

  3. “Border Wall Would Pay For Itself By Cutting Welfare Use By Illegal Immigrants.”

    Damn it, if that is the case why not just cut the welfare to illegals?
    Use the savings for something else.
    Like Veterans.
    Or infrastructure.
    Or draining the swamp.

  4. one way or another … Mexico will pay
    whether it’s by fewer Mexicans crossing over to the US & gobbling up the Fed pork, or by less $ being wired back to Mexico from every freakin’ Wal-Mart Customer Service counter in the US … Mexico will pay!


  5. What’s missing from the discussion is our very best weapon… We don’t have the ” WATER ” to support all of these people.
    Our Country has aways represented it’self as a Bean Pot for the World and it worked, but when the water’s gone the Beans will burn !

  6. “OPERATION WETBACK” cut government spending so much that 3 of the best 4 years America had a budget surplus. IMPORTANT NOTE 65 years ago criminal aliens got NO WELFARE of any kind! The reduced costs related to the HUGHE reduction in crime and costs related to crime” courts, jails, insurance ….

    Again for emphasis. When Ike was President criminals got no welfare,


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